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Go All Out Fo God’s Govament

Go All Out Fo God’s Govament

(Matthew 6:33, NWT)

  1. 1. One Go-va-ment dat stay spesho

    To oua God an His Boy Christ,

    Goin take kea of all da peopo,

    An goin fix wat no stay right.


    Go all out fo God’s Go-va-ment,

    We stan up right by His side.

    Go tell erybody bout um,

    Dis da main ting in oua life.

  2. 2. No need worry bout tomorrow,

    Wat fo wea an wat fo eat?

    If we put His go-va-ment firs,

    God goin take kea wat we need.


    Go all out fo God’s Go-va-ment,

    We stan up right by His side.

    Go tell erybody bout um,

    Dis da main ting in oua life.

  3. 3. So go tell about da good tings,

    Help da humbo guys fo see

    Dat Jehovah an Christ Jesus,

    Dey goin fix up eryting.


    Go all out fo God’s Go-va-ment,

    We stan up right by His side.

    Go tell erybody bout um,

    Dis da main ting in oua life.