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Go Get Ready fo Preach

Go Get Ready fo Preach

(Jeremiah 1:17)

  1. 1. Sun stay out,

    We get ready

    Fo go tell da good kine tings.

    But wen sun no shine,

    An da rain start fo come,

    Az only easy fo stay inside,

    Go nai nai.


    Wen we tink good an go get ready

    Fo tell da good kine tings,

    Pray to Jehovah help us stan

    An no sked fo preach.

    Jesus stay leading all da angels,

    We no stay all alone.

    An wen oua patnah stay right by us

    We can do um!

  2. 2. Bumbye we

    Goin be happy

    Wen we tink about good tings.

    An Jehovah kno

    All da hard work we do.

    He no goin foget oua aloha

    Fo oddas.


    Wen we tink good an go get ready

    Fo tell da good kine tings,

    Pray to Jehovah help us stan

    An no sked fo preach.

    Jesus stay leading all da angels,

    We no stay all alone.

    An wen oua patnah stay right by us

    We can do um!