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Mahalo Fo Yoa Word

Mahalo Fo Yoa Word

(Fo Da Philippi Peopo 2:16)

  1. 1. Oua Faddah, Jehovah, we like fo tell you,

    Mahalo for yoa Word cuz tell wat stay true!

    All da words wen come from you,

    Da trut had cut us loose.

    Cuz we know da Bible, we know wat fo do.

  2. 2. Yoa Word get da powa fo see deep inside.

    Fo see wat can change an get one betta life.

    Da rules you make stay perfeck,

    You pono all da time.

    Da truts dat you teach us, help us gettum right.

  3. 3. Da words you kept fo us, show you undastan,

    You gave us exampos, we can learn from dem.

    Please make oua trus moa solid,

    Fo lissen wat you say.

    Mahalo fo yoa Word, it show us da way.