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Da Bible Stay One Tresha

Da Bible Stay One Tresha

(Smart Guys 2:1)

  1. 1. Get one good book dat can help erybody,

    Give hope dat tings goin get betta bumbye.

    Is so unreal da powa dat stay in dea,

    Can find da trut an show dem da real life.

    Dis good an spesho book iz called da Bible.

    God gave His words an told guys wat fo write.

    Dose guys dat had go all out fo Jehovah,

    God’s spirit pump dem up fo no lose fight.

  2. 2. Dey tell how tings wuz made in da beginning,

    Cuz of God’s powa eryting stay hea.

    Dey even tell how da firs guy was perfeck,

    But den he lose out cuz he make deaf ear.

    Den dey wen tell about one rotten angel,

    Who went agains God an His right fo rule.

    An cuz of dat life full of pi-li-ki-a,

    But God tell He goin fix um all real soon.

  3. 3. Right now da time dat we can be real happy,

    Jehovah pick His Boy fo be da King.

    We all go preach da hope inside da Bible,

    An tell God’s Go-va-ment goin bring good tings.

    Inside His book can find plenny kine treshas,

    Can make us rich an get da bes kine life.

    His Word goin bring us peace dat las foeva,

    Go keep um close an read um day an night.