Bible Book Introduction Videos

Introduction fo Da Prieses

Check out how Da Prieses tell us bout God’s holiness an why gotta be holy fo us guys stay so impotant.

Wat Stay Inside da Census Book

Try spock how importan fo obey Jehovah no matta wat an respeck da guys he put in charge.

Wat Stay Inside da Book of Joshua

Spock how da Israel peopo wen take ova an divide da land Jehovah had give dem.

Wat Stay Inside da Book Local Leadas

Dis book dat get plenny action stay named afta da strong guys dat get solid trus, an God wen use dem fo get his people outta trouble.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of Ruth

Da book of Ruth iz about da self-sacrificin love of one young widow fo her widowed madda-in-law an how Jehovah wen reward dem both.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 1 Samuel

Check out how 1 Samuel tell how Israel go from da time of Local Leadas to da time wen kings had rule dem.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 2 Samuel

Spock how choke peopo wen love David cuz he wuz humbo an had show plenny trus in Jehovah.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 1 Kings

See how Israel wen go from one awesome nation wit plenny good tings unda King Solomon to one hammajang time fo Israel an Judah.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 2 Kings

Spock how moa an moa guys start fo go agains Jehovah inside da nort side of Israel, but Jehovah bless da couple peopo who worship him wit all dea heart.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 1 Records

Check out David one guy dat get plenny respeck fo Jehovah. You goin see his ohana history an da amazin stuff he wen do, from wen he wen come king of Israel all da way til he wen mahke.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of 2 Records

Spock out how da record of da Judah kings really show how importan it iz fo stay tight wit God.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of Ezra

Jehovah keep his promises fo let his peopo go from being prisonas in Babylon an bring back da right way fo worship in Jerusalem.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of Nehemiah

Fo real kine worshipas today can learn plenny from da Bible book of Nehemiah.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of Esther

All da drama dat was happening in Esther’s time going make strong yoa trus dat God can get his peopo outa da trouble dey stay in today.

Wat Stay Inside Da Book Of Job

Erybody who love Jehovah going get tes. Wat wen happen to Job help us know fo shua dat we can stick wit Jehovah an back up his right fo rule.

Wat Stay Inside Songs Fo God

Da Songs show Jehovah get da right fo rule, kokua an help da guys dat love him feel good inside, an show how he goin use his govament fo change da eart into one paradise.