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How Come Witnesses Fo Jehovah No Celebrate Birtdays?

How Come Witnesses Fo Jehovah No Celebrate Birtdays?

 Witnesses Fo Jehovah no celebrate birtdays cuz we tink God no like dese kine parties. Even tho da Bible no straight up say no can have birtday parties, it help us fo see how God feel about da stuff dat stay tied up wit birtdays. Try look four of dese tings an how dey match up wit Bible truts.

  1.   Birtdays wen have one pilau start. Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend wen tell dat dese kine parties wen start cuz peopo wen tink dat on one person’s birtday ‘bad spirits an odda bad stuff get chance fo attack da guy celebratin dea birtday’ an dat ‘dea frens an da good stuff dey say proteck dem.’ Da book The Lore of Birthdays tell dat befo time, gotta know somebody’s birtday so dat could write one horoscope fo dem (dat come from wat astrology teach.) Da same book tell dat plenny peopo believe dat ‘birtday candles get spesho magic powas dat make wishes come true.’

     But da Bible tell dat magic, tryin fo find out from da spirits wat goin happen in da future, spirit kine stuff, o anytin like “dat pilau kine stuff” stay wrong. (Da Rules Secon Time 18:14; Fo Da Galatia Peopo 5:19-21) One reason how come God wuz goin wipe out da Babylon city wuz cuz dey wuz into astrology, dat mean usin da stars fo figga out wat goin happen in da future. (Isaiah 47:11-15) Witnesses Fo Jehovah no stay hung up on how ery custom wen start; but wen da scripchas iz clea dat sometin stay wrong, we lissen wat tell.

  2.   Da Christians befo time neva celebrate birtdays. The World Book Encyclopedia tell dat ‘fo celebrate one birtday wuz sometin ony peopo who no wuz one Christian wen do.’ Inside da Bible, Jesus’ guys an oddas dat wen learn from Jesus, wen show how fo real kine Christians should live.​—2 Fo Da Tessalonika Peopo 3:6.

  3.   Da ony ting Christians gotta celebrate iz Jesus’ deat, not one birt. (Luke 22:17-20) Dis not one shocka cuz da Bible tell dat “da day you mahke stay mo betta den da day you born.” (Da Teacha 7:1) By da time Jesus’ life on eart wuz pau, he had make one good rep wit God, so dat wen make da day he wen mahke moa importan den da day he wuz born.​—Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 1:4.

  4.   No wea inside da Bible talk about one guy dat serve God celebratin one birtday. Az not one mistake cuz it talk about two guys dat no worship God havin birtday parties. But dose two times, da Bible talk about um like wuz bad.​—Da Start 40:20-22; Mark 6:21-29.

Do Witness kids feel like dey missin out cuz dey no celebrate birtday parties?

 Witness parents, jalike any odda good parent, show dea love fo dea keiki thru da whole yea, dey give um gifs, an have good fun get togeddas. Dey try fo copy God who give good kine gifs to his kids any kine times. (Matthew 7:11) Witness kids no feel like dey missin out. Try look wat dey tell:

  •   “Iz moa fun gettin one gif wen you no expeck um.”​—Tammy, 12 yeas ol.

  •   “I no get gifs on my birtday, but my parents get me gifs odda times. Dass moa betta cuz iz one surprise.”​—Gregory, 11 yeas ol.

  •   “You tink dat ten minutes, litto bit cupcakes, an one song make one party? Try come my house fo check out one real party!”​—Eric,  6 yeas ol.