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Do Witnesses Fo Jehovah Buss Up Ohanas O Make Dem Moa Strong?

Do Witnesses Fo Jehovah Buss Up Ohanas O Make Dem Moa Strong?

 We get deep respeck fo God az da Creator, da One who wen set up da ohana. We work hard fo make oua family solid. An we even help odda families too. (Da Start 2:21-24; Fo Da Efesus Peopo 3:14, 15) Wat God tell inside da Bible help peopo fo build solid an happy marriages all aroun da world.

How Witnesses Fo Jehovah make da ohana moa strong

 Fo be betta husbans, wives, an parents, we do oua bes fo lissen wat da Bible tell. (Wat Da Smart Guys Tell 31:​10-31; Fo Da Efesus Peopo 5:22–6:4; 1 Fo Timoty 5:8) Even fo families dat no worship God togedda, da smarts inside da Bible can kokua dem. (1 From Peter 3:1, 2) Try look wat some guys tell wen dea odda half come one Witness Fo Jehovah:

  •   ‘Fo da firs six years, we wuz grumblin an beefin all da time. Afta Ivete had come one Witness Fo Jehovah, she wen change. She started showin moa love an aloha. Cuz of dat, wen save oua marriage.’​—Clauir, from Brazil.

  •   ‘I neva like wen my husban, Chansa, wen start fo study da Bible wit Witnesses Fo Jehovah cuz I wen tink dey ony buss up families. But I wen see how da Bible wen kokua oua marriage.’​—Agnes, from Zambia.

 We kokua oua neighbas fo see da good tings inside da Bible fo kokua dem fo

Goin get trouble if yoa odda half come one Witness Fo Jehovah?

 Sometimes, dass how. In 1998, Sofres, one company dat do research, wen do one study of couples wea ony one wuz one Witness Fo Jehovah. An dey wen tell dat 1 in 20 marriages wen get mayjah problems wen one start fo come one Witness Fo Jehovah.

 Jesus wen tell dat da guys who like follow him would catch heat from da family. (Matthew 10:32-36) One historian guy, Will Durant, wen tell how da Roman Empire felt dat Christianity stay bussin up da ohanas. a Some peopo today feel da same about Witnesses Fo Jehovah. So den da Witnesses makin all dis pilikia o wat?

European Court of Human Rights

 Wen peopo wuz blamin Witnesses Fo Jehovah fo breakin up da ohana, da European Court of Human Rights wen tell: ‘Family membas who no stay Witnesses, plenny times cause problems wen dey no like accept o respeck da ohanas right fo choose how dey like worship.’ Da court wen even tell: ‘Dis happen all da time to couples wit diffren beliefs. Not ony Witnesses Fo Jehovah.’ b But no matta if dey face presha cuz of dea religion, Witnesses Fo Jehovah try dea bes fo follow wat da Bible tell: “Try yoa bestes fo be da one dat do eryting fo live good wit erybody wit aloha, no matta dey go agains you.”​—Fo Da Rome Peopo 12:17, 18.

How come Witnesses Fo Jehovah tink dey ony should marry peopo who worship da same way?

 Witnesses Fo Jehovah do wat da Bible tell wen it say marry “ony if da odda guy stay tight wit Da One In Charge”. So dat mean dey ony goin marry somebody dat worship da same God as dem. (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:39) Wat da Bible tell make sense. Fo exampo, one 2010 article in da Journal of Marriage and Family tell dat couples dat worship da same way an believe da same tings, almos all da time get betta marriages. c

 But Witnesses Fo Jehovah no tell oddas fo split up jus cuz dea odda half not one Witness too. Da Bible tell: “If one Christian braddah get one wife dat no trus God, he not suppose to throw her out if she like stay wit him. Same ting, if one wahine get one husban dat no trus God, she not suppose to leave him if he like her stay wit him.” (1 Fo Da Corint Peopo 7:12, 13) Witnesses Fo Jehovah, dey lissen wat da Bible tell about dis.

a See Caesar and Christ, page 647.

b See da judgment dey had give in da case Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow and Others v. Russia, pages 26-​27, paragraph 111.

c See da Journal of Marriage and Family, Volume 72, Number 4, (August 2010), page 963.