Psalm 130:1-8

  • “From the depths I call to you”

    • ‘If you were to watch errors’ (3)

    • True forgiveness with Jehovah (4)

    • “I eagerly wait for Jehovah” (6)

A Song of the Ascents. 130  From the depths I call to you, O Jehovah.+   O Jehovah, hear my voice. May your ears pay attention to my pleas for help.   If errors were what you watch,* O Jah,*Then who, O Jehovah, could stand?+   For with you there is true forgiveness,+So that you may be held in awe.*+   I hope in Jehovah, my whole being* hopes in him;I wait for his word.   I eagerly wait* for Jehovah,+More than watchmen wait for the morning,+Yes, more than watchmen wait for the morning.   Let Israel keep waiting for Jehovah,For Jehovah is loyal in his love,+And he has great power to redeem.   He will redeem Israel from all their errors.


Or “keep track of.”
“Jah” is a shortened form of the name Jehovah.
Lit., “be feared.”
Or “my soul.”
Or “My soul eagerly waits.”