Special Campaign to Publicize God’s Kingdom in September!

Special Campaign to Publicize God’s Kingdom in September!

During September, we will make a special effort to point to God’s Kingdom as the only solution for mankind’s problems. (Mt 24:14) How can you participate? Share a scripture regarding God’s Kingdom with as many people as possible during the month. If someone expresses interest, offer the person a copy of the public edition of The Watchtower No. 2 2020. Then follow up on the interest as soon as possible, and try to start a Bible study using the Enjoy Life Forever! brochure. All those serving as auxiliary pioneers during the month of September may choose a 15- or 30-hour requirement.

God’s Kingdom will soon crush all authority in opposition to it. (Da 2:44; 1Co 15:24, 25) May we take full advantage of this special opportunity to show our allegiance to Jehovah and his Kingdom!