Why the Answer Matters

Why the Answer Matters

Why does it matter whether there is a Creator? If the evidence convinces you that an almighty God exists, then you may want to examine the evidence that the Bible is inspired by him. And if you trust what the Bible says, then you stand to benefit in the following ways.

Add meaning to your life

THE BIBLE SAYS: “[God] did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.”​—Acts 14:17.

WHAT IT MEANS: Everything you enjoy in the natural world is a gift from the Creator. You will appreciate these gifts even more when you discover how much the Giver cares about you.

Find reliable guidance for daily living

THE BIBLE SAYS: “You will understand what is righteous and just and fair, the entire course of what is good.”​—Proverbs 2:9.

WHAT IT MEANS: As your Creator, God knows what you need in order to be happy. By examining the Bible, you can learn lessons that can benefit you now.

Get answers to your questions

THE BIBLE SAYS: “You will find the knowledge of God.”​—Proverbs 2:5.

WHAT IT MEANS: Discovering that the Creator exists can help you find answers to fundamental questions, such as: What is the purpose of life? Why is there so much suffering? What happens when we die? You can find satisfying answers in the Bible.

Look at the future with hope

THE BIBLE SAYS: “‘I well know the thoughts that I am thinking toward you,’ declares Jehovah, ‘thoughts of peace, and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope.’”​—Jeremiah 29:11.

WHAT IT MEANS: God promises that in the future he will eliminate evil, suffering, and even death. When you trust God’s promises, your hope in such a future will help you face day-to-day problems with courage.