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Song 103

“From House to House”

“From House to House”

(Acts 20:20)

1. From house to house, from door to door,

Jehovah’s word we spread.

From town to town, from farm to farm,

Jehovah’s sheep are fed.

This good news that God’s Kingdom rules,

As Jesus Christ foretold,

Is being preached throughout the earth

By Christians young and old.

2. From house to house, from door to door,

Salvation we proclaim.

It comes to those who choose to call

Upon Jehovah’s name.

But how can they call on the name

Of One they do not know?

So to their houses and their doors,

The sacred name must go.

3. So let us go from door to door

To spread the Kingdom news.

And whether it’s embraced or not,

We’ll let the people choose.

At least we’ll name Jehovah’s name,

His glorious truth declare.

And as we go from door to door,

We’ll find his sheep are there.