Never Alone

Never Alone
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  1. 1. Abandoned and betrayed,

    Forsaken and alone,

    Despair my one companion,

    My heart within me like a stone.

    With no one here for me,

    No kindly word of care,

    Who’ll offer consolation?

    My heavy burden, who can share?


    I’m not alone;

    I never was.

    I’ll never be,

    And all because

    Jehovah knows;

    Jehovah sees.

    He hears my prayer;

    He’s here with me.

    Whatever comes my way,

    I’m never alone.

  2. 2. Whatever I may lose

    By sticking close to you,

    No matter who may fail me,

    I know you’ll never be untrue.

    You’re close to me, O God,

    And never far away.

    My faith, my hope, reliance​—

    I know you never will betray.


    I’m not alone;

    I never was.

    I’ll never be,

    And all because

    Jehovah knows;

    Jehovah sees.

    He hears my prayer;

    He’s here with me.

    Whatever comes my way,

    I’m never alone;

    I never was.

    I’ll never be,

    And all because

    Jehovah knows;

    Jehovah sees.

    He hears my prayer;

    He’s here with me.

    Whatever comes my way,

    I’m never alone.