How God Cares For the Deaf

How God Cares For the Deaf

 Deaf people today number some 70 million worldwide, and many communicate using one of more than 200 sign languages. Sadly, deaf people often suffer unfair treatment by others, as the following shows:

  •   “Throughout the world, the rights of deaf and hard of hearing people are often overlooked.”—National Association of the Deaf (U.S.).

  •   “Deaf people in developing countries are among the poorest of the poor, with limited access to relevant education, employment and information.”—World Federation of the Deaf.

 How does God feel about deaf people? What does the Bible say about the deaf? And how are Jehovah’s Witnesses helping them today?

God’s View of the Deaf

 The Bible reveals that Jehovah a God cares about the deaf. He wants them to be treated fairly and to benefit from the education that he provides.

 Scripture: “You must not curse a deaf man.”—Leviticus 19:14.

 Meaning: Jehovah’s Law to the ancient Israelites protected the rights of the deaf.

 Scripture: “God is not partial.”—Acts 10:34.

 Meaning: Jehovah cares about people of all cultures, backgrounds, and languages, including deaf people.

 Scripture: “Jesus set out on a tour . . . , preaching the good news of the Kingdom.”—Matthew 9:35.

 Meaning: Jesus came to earth to educate people about God’s Kingdom and what it means for all mankind—including the deaf.—Matthew 6:10.

 Scripture: Jesus even made “the deaf hear and the speechless speak.”—Mark 7:37.

 Meaning: Jesus demonstrated what God’s Kingdom will accomplish when the deaf are able to hear and to speak. On this occasion, Jesus kindly used gestures to communicate with a deaf man before restoring both his hearing and his speech.—Mark 7:31-35.

 Scripture: “The ears of the deaf will be unstopped.”—Isaiah 35:5.

 Meaning: Jehovah foretold that the deaf will hear.—Isaiah 29:18.

How Jehovah’s Witnesses Help the Deaf Today

 Jehovah’s Witnesses share God’s message of hope with deaf people around the world. What are we doing to accomplish this? We produce the Bible and Bible study videos in more than 100 sign languages. We also offer Bible education and organize Christian meetings in sign language. We make all this available without charge to any who want God’s help. Why? Because Jesus commanded: “You received free, give free.”—Matthew 10:8.

 You can access these resources online or download them to your device from the following:

 JW.ORG. Click the language icon at the top of any page on the website to find content in a specific sign language.

 JW Library Sign Language app. Install this free app on your device, and you will be able to download or stream sign-language videos.

What Bible Education Resources Do We Provide?

 The Bible in sign language. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in American Sign Language was the world’s first complete sign-language Bible. The New World Translation is now available in whole or in part in many sign languages, with more languages added each year. (To see a list of languages or to watch the Bible online, see the box “ The New World Translation of the Bible in Sign Language.”)

  •   Watch the video The Complete New World Translation Is Available in ASL to learn about the work that goes into producing the Bible in sign language.

  •   For an enhanced Bible reading experience, install the JW Library Sign Language app. This app allows you to select specific verses in a sign-language Bible.

  •   Dmytro and Vita are deaf parents, and their children are hearing. See how their family benefits from watching the Bible every day in sign language.

 Videos that teach the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses have produced sign-language videos that help people understand and apply the Bible’s practical advice for . . .

 One-on-one interactive Bible course. Learn the Bible’s message in sign language at your own pace with the help of a personal instructor. Request a demonstration of this free Bible course.

 Jeson Senajonon lives in the Philippines. See how our Bible course helped him develop a close friendship with God.

 Mario Antúnez was a church pastor in Honduras. Discover how he found answers to his Bible questions, as he explained in his story “I Had More Questions Than Answers.”

 Meetings and events. We have sign-language congregations and groups worldwide, where deaf people meet to learn and worship each week. We also organize larger sign-language events for Bible education each year. At our meetings and events, we provide tactile interpreting for those who are both deaf and blind. We also make braille literature available at no charge.

 James Ryan one of Jehovah’s Witnesses was born deaf and then became blind. Learn how he found a real purpose in life.

a Jehovah is the personal name of God. (Psalm 83:18) See the article “Who Is Jehovah?