Hvernig líður þessi heimur undir lok?

The Bible tells of ten significant events soon to come. What are these? How will they affect you?

Friður í þúsund ár – og að eilífu

Consider how Jesus’ Kingdom rule will bring blessings to mankind.

Skólar í boði safnaðarins – sönnun þess að Jehóva elskar okkur

How can each of us benefit from divine education?

Lærum af langlyndi Jehóva og Jesú

How do Jehovah and Jesus show that they are patient? What can we do to imitate their patience?

„Þér vitið ekki daginn né stundina“

What did Jesus mean by these words? What effect should they have on each of us?

Jehóva stefnir saman glöðum þjónum sínum

How are the festivals in the Bible similar to conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why is it good for us to attend?