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2 Peter


1 2 3

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1)

    • Make your calling sure (2-15)

      • Qualities added to faith (5-9)

    • Prophetic word made more sure (16-21)

  • 2

    • False teachers to appear (1-3)

    • Judgment of false teachers sure (4-10a)

      • Angels thrown into Tartarus (4)

      • Flood; Sodom and Gomorrah (5-7)

    • Characteristics of false teachers (10b-22)

  • 3

    • Ridiculers ignore coming destruction (1-7)

    • Jehovah is not slow (8-10)

    • Consider what sort of people you ought to be (11-16)

      • New heavens and a new earth (13)

    • Guard against being led astray (17, 18)