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2 Timothy


1 2 3 4

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1, 2)

    • Paul thanks God for Timothy’s faith (3-5)

    • Keep the gift of God ablaze (6-11)

    • Keep holding to wholesome words (12-14)

    • Paul’s foes and friends (15-18)

  • 2

    • Entrust the message to qualified men (1-7)

    • Enduring suffering for the good news (8-13)

    • Handle God’s word aright (14-19)

    • Flee from youthful desires (20-22)

    • How to deal with opposers (23-26)

  • 3

    • Critical times in the last days (1-7)

    • Follow Paul’s example closely (8-13)

    • “Continue in the things that you learned” (14-17)

      • All Scripture inspired of God (16)

  • 4

    • “Fully accomplish your ministry” (1-5)

      • Preach the word urgently (2)

    • “I have fought the fine fight” (6-8)

    • Personal remarks (9-18)

    • Final greetings (19-22)