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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • The Word became flesh (1-18)

    • The witness John the Baptist gave (19-28)

    • Jesus, the Lamb of God (29-34)

    • Jesus’ first disciples (35-42)

    • Philip and Nathanael (43-51)

  • 2

    • Wedding at Cana; water into wine (1-12)

    • Jesus cleanses the temple (13-22)

    • Jesus knows what is in man (23-25)

  • 3

    • Jesus and Nicodemus (1-21)

      • Born again (3-8)

      • God loved the world (16)

    • John’s final witness about Jesus (22-30)

    • The one from above (31-36)

  • 4

    • Jesus and the Samaritan woman (1-38)

      • Worship God “with spirit and truth” (23, 24)

    • Many Samaritans believe in Jesus (39-42)

    • Jesus heals an official’s son (43-54)

  • 5

    • Sick man healed at Bethzatha (1-18)

    • Jesus given authority by his Father (19-24)

    • The dead will hear Jesus’ voice (25-30)

    • Testimonies about Jesus (31-47)

  • 6

    • Jesus feeds 5,000 (1-15)

    • Jesus walks on water (16-21)

    • Jesus, “the bread of life” (22-59)

    • Many stumble at Jesus’ words (60-71)

  • 7

    • Jesus at the Festival of Tabernacles (1-13)

    • Jesus teaches at the festival (14-24)

    • Different opinions about the Christ (25-52)

  • 8

    • The Father bears witness about Jesus (12-30)

      • Jesus, “the light of the world” (12)

    • Children of Abraham (31-41)

      • “The truth will set you free” (32)

    • Children of the Devil (42-47)

    • Jesus and Abraham (48-59)

  • 9

    • Jesus heals a man born blind (1-12)

    • Healed man questioned by the Pharisees (13-34)

    • Blindness of the Pharisees (35-41)

  • 10

    • The shepherd and the sheepfolds (1-21)

      • Jesus is the fine shepherd (11-15)

      • “I have other sheep” (16)

    • Jews encounter Jesus at the Festival of Dedication (22-39)

      • Many Jews refuse to believe (24-26)

      • “My sheep listen to my voice” (27)

      • The Son is in union with the Father (30, 38)

    • Many across the Jordan believe (40-42)

  • 11

    • Death of Lazarus (1-16)

    • Jesus comforts Martha and Mary (17-37)

    • Jesus resurrects Lazarus (38-44)

    • Plot to kill Jesus (45-57)

  • 12

    • Mary pours oil on Jesus’ feet (1-11)

    • Jesus’ triumphal entry (12-19)

    • Jesus foretells his death (20-37)

    • Jews’ lack of faith fulfills prophecy (38-43)

    • Jesus came to save the world (44-50)

  • 13

    • Jesus washes his disciples’ feet (1-20)

    • Jesus identifies Judas as betrayer (21-30)

    • New commandment (31-35)

      • “If you have love among yourselves” (35)

    • Peter’s denial foretold (36-38)

  • 14

    • Jesus, the only way of approach to the Father (1-14)

      • ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’ (6)

    • Jesus promises holy spirit (15-31)

      • ‘The Father greater than I am’ (28)

  • 15

    • Illustration of the true vine (1-10)

    • Command to show Christlike love (11-17)

      • ‘No greater love than this’ (13)

    • The world hates Jesus’ disciples (18-27)

  • 16

    • Jesus’ disciples may face death (1-4a)

    • Work of the holy spirit (4b-16)

    • Disciples’ sorrow will turn into joy (17-24)

    • Jesus’ conquest over the world (25-33)

  • 17

    • Jesus’ last prayer with his apostles (1-26)

      • Coming to know God means everlasting life (3)

      • Christians no part of the world (14-16)

      • “Your word is truth” (17)

      • “I have made your name known” (26)

  • 18

    • Judas betrays Jesus (1-9)

    • Peter uses a sword (10, 11)

    • Jesus taken to Annas (12-14)

    • Peter’s first denial (15-18)

    • Jesus before Annas (19-24)

    • Peter’s second and third denials (25-27)

    • Jesus before Pilate (28-40)

      • “My Kingdom is no part of this world” (36)

  • 19

    • Jesus scourged and mocked (1-7)

    • Pilate again questions Jesus (8-16a)

    • Jesus nailed to a stake at Golgotha (16b-24)

    • Jesus’ provision for his mother (25-27)

    • Death of Jesus (28-37)

    • Burial of Jesus (38-42)

  • 20

    • The empty tomb (1-10)

    • Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (11-18)

    • Jesus appears to his disciples (19-23)

    • Thomas doubts but is later convinced (24-29)

    • Purpose of this scroll (30, 31)

  • 21

    • Jesus appears to his disciples (1-14)

    • Peter affirms his love for Jesus (15-19)

      • “Feed my little sheep” (17)

    • Future of Jesus’ beloved disciple (20-23)

    • Conclusion (24, 25)