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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Jehovah encourages Joshua (1-9)

      • Read the Law in an undertone (8)

    • Preparations to cross the Jordan (10-18)

  • 2

    • Joshua sends two spies to Jericho (1-3)

    • Rahab hides the spies (4-7)

    • Promise to Rahab (8-21a)

      • Scarlet cord as a sign (18)

    • The spies return to Joshua (21b-24)

  • 3

    • Israel crosses the Jordan (1-17)

  • 4

    • Stones to serve as a memorial (1-24)

  • 5

    • Circumcision at Gilgal (1-9)

    • Passover celebrated; manna stops (10-12)

    • Prince of Jehovah’s army (13-15)

  • 6

    • Wall of Jericho falls (1-21)

    • Rahab and her family spared (22-27)

  • 7

    • Israel defeated at Ai (1-5)

    • Joshua’s prayer (6-9)

    • Sin cause of Israel’s defeat (10-15)

    • Achan exposed and stoned (16-26)

  • 8

    • Joshua sets ambush against Ai (1-13)

    • Ai successfully captured (14-29)

    • Law read at Mount Ebal (30-35)

  • 9

    • Shrewd Gibeonites seek peace (1-15)

    • Gibeonites’ trick exposed (16-21)

    • Gibeonites to fetch wood and water (22-27)

  • 10

    • Israel defends Gibeon (1-7)

    • Jehovah fights for Israel (8-15)

      • Hailstones on fleeing enemies (11)

      • The sun stands still (12-14)

    • The attacking five kings killed (16-28)

    • Cities in the south captured (29-43)

  • 11

    • Cities in the north captured (1-15)

    • Summary of Joshua’s conquests (16-23)

  • 12

    • Kings defeated east of the Jordan (1-6)

    • Kings defeated west of the Jordan (7-24)

  • 13

    • Land yet to be conquered (1-7)

    • Division of the land east of the Jordan (8-14)

    • Reuben’s inheritance (15-23)

    • Gad’s inheritance (24-28)

    • Manasseh’s inheritance in the east (29-32)

    • Jehovah is Levites’ inheritance (33)

  • 14

    • Division of the land west of the Jordan (1-5)

    • Caleb inherits Hebron (6-15)

  • 15

    • Judah’s inheritance (1-12)

    • Caleb’s daughter gets land (13-19)

    • Cities of Judah (20-63)

  • 16

    • Inheritance of Joseph’s descendants (1-4)

    • Ephraim’s inheritance (5-10)

  • 17

    • Manasseh’s inheritance in the west (1-13)

    • Additional land for Joseph’s descendants (14-18)

  • 18

    • Rest of the land distributed at Shiloh (1-10)

    • Benjamin’s inheritance (11-28)

  • 19

    • Simeon’s inheritance (1-9)

    • Zebulun’s inheritance (10-16)

    • Issachar’s inheritance (17-23)

    • Asher’s inheritance (24-31)

    • Naphtali’s inheritance (32-39)

    • Dan’s inheritance (40-48)

    • Joshua’s inheritance (49-51)

  • 20

    • Cities of refuge (1-9)

  • 21

    • Cities for the Levites (1-42)

      • For Aaron’s descendants (9-19)

      • For the rest of the Kohathites (20-26)

      • For the Gershonites (27-33)

      • For the Merarites (34-40)

    • Jehovah’s promises fulfilled (43-45)

  • 22

    • Eastern tribes return home (1-8)

    • Altar built at the Jordan (9-12)

    • Meaning of the altar explained (13-29)

    • Conflict settled (30-34)

  • 23

    • Joshua’s farewell to Israel’s leaders (1-16)

      • None of Jehovah’s words failed (14)

  • 24

    • Joshua reviews Israel’s history (1-13)

    • Exhortation to serve Jehovah (14-24)

      • “As for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah” (15)

    • Joshua’s covenant with Israel (25-28)

    • Joshua’s death and burial (29-31)

    • Joseph’s bones buried at Shechem (32)

    • Eleazar’s death and burial (33)