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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • News from Jerusalem (1-3)

    • Nehemiah’s prayer (4-11)

  • 2

    • Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem (1-10)

    • Nehemiah inspects the city walls (11-20)

  • 3

    • Rebuilding the walls (1-32)

  • 4

    • Work progresses despite opposition (1-14)

    • Construction continues with workers armed (15-23)

  • 5

    • Nehemiah stops exploitation (1-13)

    • Nehemiah’s unselfishness (14-19)

  • 6

    • Opposition to the rebuilding continues (1-14)

    • Wall completed in 52 days (15-19)

  • 7

    • City gates and gatekeepers (1-4)

    • List of exiles who returned (5-69)

      • Temple servants (46-56)

      • Sons of the servants of Solomon (57-60)

    • Contributions for the work (70-73)

  • 8

    • The Law is read and explained to the people (1-12)

    • Festival of Booths observed (13-18)

  • 9

    • The people confess their sins (1-38)

      • Jehovah, a forgiving God (17)

  • 10

    • The people agree to follow the Law (1-39)

      • “We will not neglect the house of our God” (39)

  • 11

    • Jerusalem repopulated (1-36)

  • 12

    • The priests and the Levites (1-26)

    • Inauguration of the wall (27-43)

    • Support for the temple service (44-47)

  • 13

    • Further reforms by Nehemiah (1-31)

      • Tenth parts to be given (10-13)

      • Sabbath not to be profaned (15-22)

      • Intermarriage condemned (23-28)