Psalms 110:1-7

  • A king and priest like Melchizedek

    • ‘Rule in the midst of your enemies’ (2)

    • Willing young ones like dewdrops (3)

Of David. A melody. 110  Jehovah declared to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand+Until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet.”+  2  Jehovah will extend the scepter of your power out of Zion, saying: “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.”+  3  Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.* In splendid holiness, from the womb of the dawn,You have your company of young men just like dewdrops.  4  Jehovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind:* “You are a priest forever+In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”+  5  Jehovah will be at your right hand;+He will crush kings on the day of his anger.+  6  He will execute judgment against* the nations;+He will fill the land with dead bodies.+ He will crush the leader* of a vast land.*  7  He* will drink from the stream along the road. Therefore, he will hold his head high.


Or “on the day your army mobilizes.”
Or “he will feel no regret.”
Or “among.”
Lit., “head.”
Or “of the entire earth.”
Referring to “my Lord” in vs. 1.