Psalms 147:1-20

  • Praising God’s loving and powerful works

    • He heals the brokenhearted (3)

    • He calls all the stars by name (4)

    • He sends snow like wool (16)

147  Praise Jah!* It is good to sing praises* to our God;How pleasant and fitting it is to praise him!+  2  Jehovah is building Jerusalem;+He gathers together the dispersed ones of Israel.+  3  He heals the brokenhearted;He binds up their wounds.  4  He counts the number of the stars;He calls all of them by name.+  5  Our Lord is great and is mighty in power;+His understanding is beyond measure.+  6  Jehovah raises up the meek,+But he hurls the wicked to the ground.  7  Sing to Jehovah with thanksgiving;Sing praises to our God, accompanied by the harp,  8  The One who covers the heavens with clouds,The One providing rain for the earth,+The One making grass sprout+ on the mountains.  9  To the animals he gives food,+To the young ravens that call out for it.+ 10  He does not delight in the power of the horse;+Nor is he impressed by the strong legs of a man.+ 11  Jehovah finds pleasure in those who fear him,+In those waiting for his loyal love.+ 12  Glorify Jehovah, O Jerusalem. Praise your God, O Zion. 13  He makes the bars of your city gates strong;He blesses your sons within you. 14  He brings peace to your territory;+He satisfies you with the finest* wheat.+ 15  He sends his command to the earth;His word runs swiftly. 16  He sends the snow like wool;+He scatters the frost just like ashes.+ 17  He hurls down his hailstones* like morsels of bread.+ Who can withstand his cold?+ 18  He sends out his word, and they melt. He makes his wind blow,+ and the waters flow. 19  He declares his word to Jacob,His regulations and judgments to Israel.+ 20  He has not done so with any other nation;+They know nothing about his judgments. Praise Jah!*+


Or “Hallelujah!” “Jah” is a shortened form of the name Jehovah.
Or “make music.”
Lit., “the fat of.”
Or “ice.”
Or “Hallelujah!” “Jah” is a shortened form of the name Jehovah.