Psalms 33:1-22

  • Praise to the Creator

    • “Sing to him a new song” (3)

    • Creation by Jehovah’s word and spirit (6)

    • Jehovah’s nation happy (12)

    • Jehovah’s watchful eye (18)

33  Shout joyfully, you righteous ones, because of Jehovah.+ It is fitting for the upright to praise him.  2  Give thanks to Jehovah with the harp;Sing praises* to him with a ten-stringed instrument.  3  Sing to him a new song;+Play skillfully on the strings, along with shouts of joy.  4  For the word of Jehovah is upright,+And everything he does is trustworthy.  5  He loves righteousness and justice.+ The earth is filled with Jehovah’s loyal love.+  6  By the word of Jehovah the heavens were made,+And by the spirit* of his mouth everything in them.*  7  He gathers the seawaters like a dam;+He puts the surging waters in storehouses.  8  Let the whole earth fear Jehovah.+ Let the inhabitants of the productive land be in awe of him.  9  For he spoke, and it came to be;+He commanded, and it stood firm.+ 10  Jehovah has frustrated the schemes* of the nations;+He has thwarted the plans* of the peoples.+ 11  But the decisions* of Jehovah will stand forever;+The thoughts of his heart are from generation to generation. 12  Happy is the nation whose God is Jehovah,+The people he has chosen as his own possession.+ 13  Jehovah looks down from heaven;He sees all the sons of men.+ 14  From his place of residence,He gazes on the inhabitants of the earth. 15  He is the one forming the hearts of all;He examines all their works.+ 16  No king is saved by a large army;+A mighty man is not saved by his great power.+ 17  The horse is a false hope for salvation;*+Its great strength does not ensure escape. 18  Look! The eye of Jehovah watches over those fearing him,+Those waiting for his loyal love, 19  To rescue them* from deathAnd to keep them alive during famine.+ 20  We are* in expectation of Jehovah. He is our helper and our shield.+ 21  Our hearts rejoice in him,For we trust in his holy name.+ 22  May your loyal love rest upon us, O Jehovah,+While we keep waiting for you.+


Or “Make music.”
Or “breath.”
Lit., “all their army.”
Or “counsel.”
Or “thoughts.”
Or “counsel.”
Or “for victory.”
Or “their soul.”
Or “Our soul is.”