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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1-7)

    • Paul’s desire to visit Rome (8-15)

    • Righteous one will live by faith (16, 17)

    • Ungodly people inexcusable (18-32)

      • God’s qualities seen in creation (20)

  • 2

    • God’s judgment on Jews and Greeks (1-16)

      • How the conscience functions (14, 15)

    • The Jews and the Law (17-24)

    • Circumcision of the heart (25-29)

  • 3

    • “Let God be found true” (1-8)

    • Both Jews and Greeks are under sin (9-20)

    • Righteousness through faith (21-31)

      • All fall short of God’s glory (23)

  • 4

    • Abraham declared righteous by faith (1-12)

      • Abraham, the father of those having faith (11)

    • Promise received through faith (13-25)

  • 5

    • Reconciled to God through Christ (1-11)

    • Death through Adam, life through Christ (12-21)

      • Sin and death spread to all (12)

      • One act of justification (18)

  • 6

    • New life through baptism into Christ (1-11)

    • Do not let sin rule in your bodies (12-14)

    • From slaves of sin to slaves of God (15-23)

      • Sin’s wages—death; God’s gift—life (23)

  • 7

    • Release from the Law illustrated (1-6)

    • Sin made known by the Law (7-12)

    • The struggle with sin (13-25)

  • 8

    • Life and freedom through the spirit (1-11)

    • Spirit of adoption bears witness (12-17)

    • Creation awaits freedom of God’s children (18-25)

    • ‘The spirit pleads for us’ (26, 27)

    • Foreordination by God (28-30)

    • Victorious through the love of God (31-39)

  • 9

    • Paul’s grief over fleshly Israel (1-5)

    • Abraham’s true offspring (6-13)

    • God’s choice cannot be questioned (14-26)

      • Vessels of wrath and of mercy (22, 23)

    • Only a remnant will be saved (27-29)

    • Israel stumbled (30-33)

  • 10

    • How to attain God’s righteousness (1-15)

      • Public declaration (10)

      • Calling on Jehovah means salvation (13)

      • Beautiful feet of preachers (15)

    • Good news rejected (16-21)

  • 11

    • Rejection of Israel not total (1-16)

    • Illustration of olive tree (17-32)

    • Depth of God’s wisdom (33-36)

  • 12

    • Present your bodies as a living sacrifice (1, 2)

    • Different gifts but one body (3-8)

    • Advice on true Christian living (9-21)

  • 13

    • Subjection to the authorities (1-7)

      • The paying of taxes (6, 7)

    • Love fulfills the Law (8-10)

    • Walk as in the daytime (11-14)

  • 14

    • Do not judge one another (1-12)

    • Do not cause others to stumble (13-18)

    • Work for peace and unity (19-23)

  • 15

    • Welcome one another as Christ did (1-13)

    • Paul, a servant to the nations (14-21)

    • Paul’s travel plans (22-33)

  • 16

    • Paul introduces Phoebe, a minister (1, 2)

    • Greetings to Roman Christians (3-16)

    • Warning against divisions (17-20)

    • Greetings from Paul’s coworkers (21-24)

    • Sacred secret now known (25-27)