10: Trustworthiness

10: Trustworthiness


Trustworthy people earn the confidence of their parents, friends, and employers. They abide by the rules, keep their promises, and always tell the truth.


In almost every case, the amount of freedom you receive is directly related to the level of trust you have earned over time.

“The best way to earn your parents’ trust is to demonstrate that you are mature and responsible, not only when you are with them but also when they are not around.”​—Sarahi.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “That your advancement may be plainly seen by all people.”​—1 Timothy 4:15.


Whether you want to earn more trust or regain lost trust, the following steps can help.

Be honest. Nothing will shatter others’ trust in you quicker than lies. Conversely, when you are open and honest​—especially about your mistakes—​you can earn the trust of others.

“It’s easy to be honest when things are going well. But being honest about things that cast you in a bad light goes a long way in building trust.”​—Caiman.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things.”​—Hebrews 13:18.

Be dependable. In one U.S. survey, 78 percent of human-resource professionals indicated that reliability was “one of the three most important skills for entry-level positions.” Learning to be dependable now will benefit you as an adult.

“My parents notice when I’m responsible and do my chores without their having to nag me. The more I show initiative like that, the more they reward it with their trust.”​—Sarah.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE: “I am confident that you will comply, . . . knowing that you will do even more than what I say.”​—Philemon 21.

Be patient. Unlike physical growth, which is readily apparent to others, time is often needed for others to recognize emotional and mental growth.

“There’s no single act that can earn the trust of your parents and others. But you can build it gradually if you’re consistently responsible over time.”​—Brandon.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE:“Be patient toward all”​—1 Thessalonians 5:14