Kpohọ eme nọ e riẹ eva

Fonu Hayo Kere Se Omai

O rẹ were omai re ma fiobọhọ kẹ ahwo nọ a gwọlọ wuhrẹ Ebaibol hayo enọ iruo nọ ma be jọ akpọ soso mai na e were. Whọ sae rehọ idhere sa-sa nọ e rrọ obotọ na kere se Osẹri Jihova nọ ọ kẹle owhẹ.

Turks and Caicos Islands

Jehovah’s Witnesses

25 Columbia Heights

BROOKLYN NY 11201-2483


Oke Iruo

Monday rite Friday

8:00 a.m. rite 5:00 p.m.