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“Di Uoli Spirit Tek Kanchuol A Aal A Dem”

“Di Uoli Spirit Tek Kanchuol A Aal A Dem”

Som tingz we did gwaan wen uoli spirit did tek kanchuol a dem pan Pentikas Die

Da chapta ya bies pan Aks 2:1-47

1. Sumadi we did ga’a Jeruusilem pan Pentikas Die, wa a som a di sitn dem we dem wuda si a gwaan?

 THE streets of Jerusalem are bustling with excitement. a Smoke ascends from the temple altar as the Levites sing the Hallel (Psalms 113 to 118), likely in antiphonal, or call-and-response, style. Visitors crowd the streets. They have come from such far-flung places as Elam, Mesopotamia, Cappadocia, Pontus, Egypt, and Rome. b What is the occasion? Pentecost, also called “the day of the first ripe fruits.” (Num. 28:26) This annual festival marks the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. It is a joyous day.

2. Wa a di big ting dem we did gwaan pan Pentikas Die iina 33 C.E.?

2 At about nine o’clock on this mild spring morning in 33 C.E., something happens that will be marveled at for centuries to come. Suddenly, there occurs “a noise from heaven, just like that of a rushing, stiff breeze,” or “like the roaring of a mighty windstorm.” (Acts 2:2; International Standard Version) The loud sound fills the house where about 120 disciples of Jesus are gathered. Next, something amazing takes place. Tongues as if of fire become visible, and one rests on each of the disciples. c Then, the disciples become “filled with holy spirit” and begin speaking in foreign languages! When the disciples leave the house, those visitors they encounter on the streets of Jerusalem are astonished, for the disciples are able to speak to them! Indeed, each one hears them “speaking in his own language.”​—Acts 2:1-6.

3. (a) Wa mek wa did gwaan pan Pentikas Die iina 33 C.E. a did wan big ting fi Jeuova piipl? (b) Wen Piita did a taak tu di piipl dem, ou im did yuuz wan a di ‘kii dem we im did get fi Gad Kindom’?

3 This stirring account describes a milestone in true worship​—the founding of the nation of spiritual Israel, the anointed Christian congregation. (Gal. 6:16) But there is more. When Peter addressed the crowd that day, he used the first of three “keys of the Kingdom,” each of which would open up special privileges to a different group of people. (Matt. 16:18, 19) This first key made it possible for Jews and Jewish proselytes to accept the good news and to be anointed with God’s holy spirit. d They would thus become part of spiritual Israel, and as such, they would have the hope of ruling as kings and priests in the Messianic Kingdom. (Rev. 5:9, 10) In time, that privilege would be extended to Samaritans and then to Gentiles. What can Christians today learn from the momentous events of Pentecost 33 C.E.?

“Aal A Di Piipl We Biliiv Iina Jiizas Did Gyada Op Iina Di Siem Plies” (Aks 2:1-4)

4. Ou di gruup a piipl we a sorv Gad an a liv ou Jiizas waahn dem fi liv a gwaan du di wok we di wan dem we did de bout iina 33 C.E. did a du?

4 The Christian congregation began with about 120 disciples who were “all together at the same place”​—an upper room—​and who were anointed with holy spirit. (Acts 2:1) By the end of that day, baptized members of that congregation numbered into the thousands. And that was just the beginning of the growth of an organization that continues to expand today! Yes, a community of God-fearing men and women​—the modern-day Christian congregation—​is the means by which the “good news of the Kingdom” is being “preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations” before the end of this system of things.​—Matt. 24:14.

5. Di wan dem we did jain op wid di gruup a piipl we a sorv Gad an a liv ou Jiizas waahn dem fi liv, ou it did elp dem bak iina dem taim de, an ou it elp wi tide wen wi du dat?

5 The Christian congregation would also be a source of spiritual strength to its members, both those of the anointed and, later on, those of the “other sheep.” (John 10:16) Paul showed his appreciation for the mutual support that members of the congregation provide when he wrote to the Christians in Rome: “I am longing to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to you for you to be made firm; or, rather, that we may have an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith, both yours and mine.”​—Rom. 1:11, 12.

6, 7. A ou di gruup a piipl we a sorv Gad an a liv ou Jiizas waahn dem fi liv tide a du di wok we Jiizas did gi dem fi priich tu piipl aal uova di worl?

6 Today, the Christian congregation has the same objectives that it had in the first century. Jesus gave his disciples a challenging yet thrilling work to perform. He told them: “Make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”​—Matt. 28:19, 20.

7 The Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the agency through which that work is accomplished today. Of course, it is a challenge to reach people of different languages. Yet, Jehovah’s Witnesses have produced Bible-based material in more than 1,000 languages. If you are actively associated with the Christian congregation and are sharing in the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work, you have reason to rejoice. You are counted among the comparatively few on earth today who have the privilege of bearing thorough witness to Jehovah’s name!

8. Wa a sitn gud we Jeuova gi di wan dem we a sorv im an a liv ou Jiizas waahn dem fi liv?

8 To help you endure with joy during these critical times, Jehovah God has provided a worldwide association of brothers. Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians: “Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) The Christian congregation is a provision from Jehovah so that you can encourage others and also be encouraged yourself. Stay close to your spiritual brothers and sisters. Never forsake gathering together at Christian meetings!

“Evri Wan A Dem Did Ier Iina Fi Dem Uona Langwij” (Aks 2:5-13)

“Wi ier di uol a dem a taak iina fi wi uona langwij bout di powaful sitn dem we Gad du.”​—Aks 2:11

9, 10. Wa som a wi breda an sista dem du so dat dem kyan priich tu piipl we taak wan difrant langwij?

9 Imagine the excitement that must have surged through the mixed company of Jews and proselytes at Pentecost 33 C.E. Most of those present likely spoke a common language, perhaps Greek or Hebrew. But now “each one heard [the disciples] speaking in his own language.” (Acts 2:6) Surely those listeners must have been touched to hear the good news in their mother tongue. Of course, Christians today are not gifted with a miraculous ability to speak foreign tongues. Many, however, have made themselves available to spread the Kingdom message to people of all national groups. How? Some have learned a new language so that they can serve with a nearby foreign-language congregation or even move to a foreign land. Often, they have found that their listeners are quite impressed by their efforts.

10 Consider Christine, who took a Gujarati course along with seven other Witnesses. When she encountered a Gujarati-speaking workmate, she greeted the young woman in her native tongue. The woman was impressed and wanted to know why Christine was making the effort to learn Gujarati. Christine was able to give a fine witness. The young woman remarked to Christine: “No other religion would encourage its members to learn such a difficult language. You must really have something important to say.”

11. Wa wi kyan du so dat wi redi fi priich tu piipl we taak aal kain-a difrant difrant langwij?

11 Of course, not all of us can learn another language. Nevertheless, we can be prepared to preach the Kingdom message to people of other language groups. How? One way is by using the JW Language® app to learn a simple greeting in a language commonly spoken in your area. You can also learn a few phrases in that language that may arouse the interest of those who speak it. Direct them to, and perhaps show them the variety of videos and publications available in their language. By using such tools in our ministry, we may have the same joy that our first-century brothers had when people from foreign lands were amazed to hear the good news “each one . . . in his own language.”

“Piita Tan Op” (Aks 2:14-37)

12. (a) Wa did rait dong iina di buk a Jowel we did av sitn fi du wid di big ting we did gwaan pan Pentikas Die iina 33 C.E.? (b) Wa mek Jiizas falara dem we did de bout iina di taim wen di apasl dem did de pan di ort did a luk out fi si ou wa di prafit we niem Jowel did taak bout did apm fi chuu?

12 “Peter stood up” to speak to the multinational crowd. (Acts 2:14) He explained to all who would listen that the miraculous ability to speak in different languages had been granted by God in fulfillment of the prophecy uttered by Joel: “I will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh.” (Joel 2:28) Prior to his ascension to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: “I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper,” which Jesus identified as “the spirit.”​—John 14:16, 17.

13, 14. Ou Piita did taak tu di piipl dem so dat im kuda toch dem aat, an ou wi kyan du laik im wen wi a priich an tiich?

13 Peter’s concluding words to the crowd were firm: “Let all the house of Israel know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you executed on a stake.” (Acts 2:36) Of course, most of Peter’s listeners were not personally present when Jesus was put to death on the torture stake. Yet, as a nation they bore community responsibility for this act. Note, though, that Peter addressed his fellow Jews respectfully and appealed to their hearts. Peter’s goal was to move his listeners to repentance, not to condemn them. Did the crowd listening take offense at Peter’s words? By no means. Instead, the people were “stabbed to the heart.” They asked: “What should we do?” Peter’s positive approach likely played a role in his reaching the hearts of many, so that they were moved to repent.​—Acts 2:37.

14 We can imitate Peter’s manner of appealing to hearts. When witnessing to others, we need not take issue with every unscriptural view that the householder may express. Rather, we would do well to build on points on which we can agree. If we establish common ground with our listener, we can then tactfully reason from God’s Word. Often, when Bible truths are presented in such a positive fashion, righthearted ones are more likely to respond favorably.

“Aal A Unu . . . Get Baptaiz” (Aks 2:38-47)

15. (a) Wa Piita did tel di piipl dem, an a wa dem did du? (b) Wa mek notn neehn rang fi dem uol iip a piipl de go baptaiz pan Pentikas Die afta dem ier di gud nyuuz?

15 On the thrilling day of Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter said to responsive Jews and proselytes: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized.” (Acts 2:38) As a result, about 3,000 were baptized, likely in pools in or near Jerusalem. e Was this an impulsive act? Does this account serve as a precedent for Bible students and for children of Christian parents to rush into baptism before they are ready? Not at all. Remember, those Jews and Jewish proselytes who were baptized on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. were keen students of God’s Word, and they were part of a nation that had been dedicated to Jehovah. Moreover, they were already demonstrating their zeal​—in some cases, by traveling great distances to be present at this annual festival. After accepting the vital truths concerning Jesus Christ’s role in the outworking of God’s purpose, they were ready to continue serving God​—but now as baptized followers of Christ.

16. Ou di wan dem we did a fala Jiizas iina di taim wen di apasl dem did de pan di ort did shuo se dem neehn jos a tingk bout demself wan, bot did kier bout ada piipl tu?

16 Jehovah’s blessing was certainly on that group. The account relates: “All those who became believers were together and had everything in common, and they were selling their possessions and properties and distributing the proceeds to all, according to what each one needed.” f (Acts 2:44, 45) Surely all true Christians want to imitate that loving, self-sacrificing spirit.

17. Wa a som sitn we sumadi afi du bifuo dem kyan go baptaiz?

17 Christian dedication and baptism involve several necessary Scriptural steps. A person must take in knowledge of God’s Word. (John 17:3) He needs to exercise faith and must repent over his past course, demonstrating true sorrow over it. (Acts 3:19) Then he must convert, or turn around, and start engaging in right works that are in harmony with God’s will. (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23, 24) These steps are followed by his making a dedication to God in prayer and then getting baptized.​—Matt. 16:24; 1 Pet. 3:21.

18. Fi di wan dem we baptaiz an a fala Jiizas, wa a sitn nais we dem get fi du?

18 Are you a dedicated, baptized disciple of Jesus Christ? If so, be grateful for the privilege that has been extended to you. Like the first-century disciples who were filled with holy spirit, you can be used in a powerful way to bear thorough witness and do the will of Jehovah!

c The “tongues” were, not of literal fire, but “as if of fire,” evidently indicating that the observable manifestation on each disciple had the appearance and radiance of fire.

d See the box “ Who Were the Proselytes?

e By comparison, on August 7, 1993, at an international convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kiev, Ukraine, 7,402 persons were baptized in six pools. The entire baptism took two hours and fifteen minutes to complete.

f This temporary arrangement filled the need that arose because visitors remained in Jerusalem to take in further spiritual enlightenment. This was a voluntary sharing and is not to be confused with some form of communism.​—Acts 5:1-4.