Psalms 51:1-19

  • A prayer of a repentant one

    • Sinful from conception (5)

    • “Purify me from my sin” (7)

    • “Create in me a pure heart” (10)

    • A crushed heart pleases God (17)

To the director. A melody of David, when Nathan the prophet came in to him after David had relations with Bath-sheʹba.+ 51  Show me favor, O God, according to your loyal love.+ Blot out my transgressions according to your great mercy.+   Thoroughly wash me from my error,+And cleanse me from my sin.+   For I am well-aware of my transgressions,And my sin is always before me.*+   Against you—you above all*—I have sinned;+What is bad in your eyes I have done.+ Therefore, you are righteous when you speak,You are right in your judgment.+   Look! I was born guilty of error,And my mother conceived me in sin.*+   Look! You find pleasure in truth in the inner person;+Teach my innermost self* true wisdom.   Purify me from my sin with hyssop, so that I will be clean;+Wash me, so that I will be whiter than snow.+   Let me hear sounds of joy and rejoicing,So that the bones you crushed will rejoice.+   Turn your face away* from my sins,+And wipe away* all my errors.+ 10  Create in me a pure heart, O God,+And put within me a new spirit,+ a steadfast one. 11  Do not cast me out from your presence;And do not take your holy spirit away from me. 12  Restore to me the joy of your salvation;+Stir within me a willingness to obey you.* 13  I will teach transgressors your ways,+So that sinners will return to you. 14  Save me from bloodguilt,+ O God, the God of my salvation,+So that my tongue may joyfully declare your righteousness.+ 15  O Jehovah, open my lips,So that my mouth may declare your praise.+ 16  For you do not want a sacrifice—otherwise I would give it;+You do not find delight in a whole burnt offering.+ 17  The sacrifices pleasing to God are a broken spirit;A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject.*+ 18  In your goodwill do what is good for Zion;Build up the walls of Jerusalem. 19  Then you will take delight in the sacrifices of righteousness,The burnt sacrifices and the whole offerings;Then bulls will be offered up on your altar.+


Or “on my mind.”
Lit., “only you.”
Or “And sinful from the moment my mother conceived me.”
Or “my secret self.”
Or “Hide your face.”
Or “blot out.”
Lit., “May you support me with a willing ­spirit.”
Or “despise.”