Psalms 63:1-11

  • Longing for God

    • “Your loyal love is better than life” (3)

    • “Satisfied with the best” (5)

    • Meditating on God during the night (6)

    • ‘I cling to God’ (8)

A melody of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.+ 63  O God, you are my God, I keep looking for you.+ I do thirst* for you.+ I am* faint with longing for youIn a dry and parched land, where there is no water.+   So I have looked upon you in the holy place;I have seen your strength and your glory.+   Because your loyal love is better than life,+My own lips will glorify you.+   Thus I will praise you all my life;In your name I will lift up my hands.   I am* satisfied with the best and choicest portion,*So my mouth will praise you with joy on my lips.+   I remember you while upon my bed;I meditate on you during the watches of the night.+   For you are my helper,+And I shout joyfully in the shadow of your wings.+   I cling* to you;Your right hand keeps fast hold on me.+   But those who seek to destroy my life*Will descend into the depths of the earth. 10  They will be handed over to the power of the sword;They will become food for jackals.* 11  But the king will rejoice in God. Every person swearing by Him will exult,*For the mouth of those speaking lies will be silenced.


Or “My soul thirsts.”
Lit., “My flesh is.”
Lit., “as with fat and fatness.”
Or “My soul is.”
Or “My soul clings.”
Or “destroy my soul; kill me.”
Or “foxes.”
Or “boast.”