Psalms 77:1-20

  • A prayer in a time of distress

    • Meditating on God’s works (11, 12)

    • ‘Who is as great as you, O God?’ (13)

To the director; on Je·duʹthun.* Of Aʹsaph.+ A melody. 77  With my voice I will cry out to God;To God I will cry out, and he will hear me.+   In the day of my distress I search for Jehovah.+ At night my hands are stretched out to him without ceasing.* I* cannot be comforted.   When I remember God, I groan;+I am troubled and my strength fails.*+ (Selah)   You hold my eyelids open;I am agitated and cannot speak.   My thoughts turn to the days of long ago,+The years of the distant past.   During the night I remember my song;*+I ponder in my heart;+I make* a diligent search.   Will Jehovah cast us off forever?+ Will he never again show his favor?+   Has his loyal love ceased forever? Will his promise come to nothing for all generations?   Has God forgotten to show his favor,+Or has his anger caused his mercy to cease? (Selah) 10  Must I keep saying: “This is what distresses me:*+ The Most High has changed his position* toward us”? 11  I will remember the works of Jah;I will remember your marvelous deeds of long ago. 12  And I will meditate on all your activityAnd ponder over your dealings.+ 13  O God, your ways are holy. What god is as great as you, O God?+ 14  You are the true God, who does marvelous things.+ You have revealed your strength to the peoples.+ 15  With your power* you have rescued* your people,+The sons of Jacob and of Joseph. (Selah) 16  The waters saw you, O God;The waters saw you and were disturbed.+ And the deep waters became agitated. 17  The clouds poured down water. The cloudy skies thundered,And your arrows flew here and there.+ 18  The sound of your thunder+ was like chariot wheels;Flashes of lightning lit up the inhabited earth;*+The earth trembled and quaked.+ 19  Your way was through the sea,+Your path through many waters;But your footprints could not be traced. 20  You led your people just like a flock,+In the care* of Moses and Aaron.+


Lit., “growing numb.”
Or “My soul.”
Lit., “my spirit faints.”
Or “string music.”
Lit., “My spirit makes.”
Lit., “right hand.”
Or “pierces me.”
Lit., “arm.”
Lit., “redeemed.”
Or “the productive land.”
Lit., “By the hand.”