Wolo ɖenɖe tɔm wɛɛ yɔ

Tʋma ɖɩlaɖɛ nɛ a-taa wobu yɔɔ tɔm

Ðɩyaɣ-ŋ se ŋkɔɔ ɖɛ-ɛgbɛyɛ pilinzi nɛ lona wena a-taa palakɩ ɖa-takayɩsɩ yɔ, a-taa. Ðɛ-ɛgbɛyɛ pilinzi lona nɛ alɩwaatʋ ndʋ tɩ-taa ŋpɩzɩɣ nɛ ŋwolo a-taa yɔ


Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.


Rue J-58 - Lot 1758


3ème tranche, Vallon



+225 2241-3606

Tʋma ɖɩlaɖɛ taa wobu

Kpaɣnɩ Hodo nɛ ŋwolo Kemeɣa

Wɩsɩ wɛlʋʋ: Kpaɣnɩ 2:00 nɛ ŋwolo 4:00.

Alɩwaatʋ: Ñɩɣyʋʋ 1

Tʋma sɔsɔna

Ðɩɖɛzɩɣ Bibl tɔm takayɩsɩ kʋnʋmɩŋ ɩnɛ ɩ-taa: Abbey, Attié, Baoulé, Bété, Gouro, Guéré, Sénoufo nɛ Yacouba. Ðɩkpakɩɣ ɖɔɖɔ hatʋ cabɩ takayɩsɩ nɛ dramawaa tatasɩ yɔɔ kʋnʋmɩŋ sakɩyɛ taa.

Kpaɣ tʋma ɖɩlaɖɛ taa wobu takayaɣ.