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Ko Phi ki Samla Kynthei​—To Long Rangbah ha ka Jinglong Khristan

Ko Phi ki Samla Kynthei​—To Long Rangbah ha ka Jinglong Khristan

“Kumjuh ruh ki kynthei kin long . . . kiba leh adkar, kiba shisha ha kiei kiei baroh.”​—1 TIM. 3:11.

JINGRWAI 133 Worship Jehovah During Youth


1. Ban long rangbah ha ka jinglong Khristan, kaei kaba ngi dei ban leh?

 WE ARE amazed at how quickly a child grows into an adult. This growth seems to take place automatically. However, growing to Christian maturity is by no means automatic. b (1 Cor. 13:11; Heb. 6:1) To reach that goal, we need a deep personal relationship with Jehovah. We also need his holy spirit as we cultivate godly qualities, develop practical skills, and prepare for future responsibilities.​—Prov. 1:5.

2. Kaei ka jinghikai kaba ngi ïoh na Jenesis 1:​27, bad kaei kaba ngin ïa pule ha kane ka lynnong?

2 Jehovah made humans to be male or female. (Read Genesis 1:27.) Obviously, men and women are physically different, but they are different in other ways as well. For example, Jehovah made men and women to fulfill specific roles, so they need qualities and skills that will help them to carry out their respective assignments. (Gen. 2:18) In this article, we will consider what a young sister can do to become a mature Christian woman. In the following article, we will consider what young brothers can do.


Imitating the qualities of faithful women, such as Rebekah, Esther, and Abigail, will help you to become a mature Christian woman (See paragraphs 3-4)

3-4. Naei ki samla kynthei ki lah ban ïoh ïa ki nuksa babha ban pyrthuhbud? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)

3 The Bible mentions many remarkable women who loved Jehovah and served him. (See on the article “Women in the Bible​—What Can We Learn From Them?”) They were, as our theme text advises, “moderate in habits” and “faithful in all things.” In addition, sisters can find in their own congregation examples of mature Christian women who are worthy of imitation.

4 Young sisters, why not identify a few mature Christian women you know whose example you can imitate? Note their appealing qualities; then consider how you can manifest them. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss three important qualities needed by mature women.

5. Balei ka jingsngewrit ka long kaba donkam ïa ki kynthei Khristan kiba rangbah ha ka jinglong mynsiem?

5 Humility is an important aspect of Christian maturity. If a woman is humble, she will enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah and with others. (Jas. 4:6) For example, a woman who loves Jehovah humbly chooses to support the principle of headship that her heavenly Father established. (1 Cor. 11:3) That principle has specific applications in the congregation and in the family arrangement. c

6. Kaei ka jinghikai ba ki samla kynthei ki lah ban ïoh na ka Rebekah shaphang ka jingsngewrit?

6 Consider the example of Rebekah. She was an intelligent and decisive woman who took the initiative in appropriate ways throughout her life. (Gen. 24:58; 27:5-17) Yet, she was respectful and submissive. (Gen. 24:17, 18, 65) If you humbly support Jehovah’s arrangements, as Rebekah did, you will be a positive influence on your family and on the congregation.

7. Kumno ki samla kynthei ki lah ban pyrthuhbud ïa ka Esther ha kaban pyni ïa ka jinglong ban sngewthuh ïa la ka bor?

7 Modesty is another quality that all mature Christians need. The Bible says that “wisdom is with the modest ones.” (Prov. 11:2) Esther was a modest, godly woman. Her modesty protected her from acting presumptuously. She listened to the advice of her older cousin Mordecai and followed it. (Esther 2:10, 20, 22) You can demonstrate similar modesty by seeking out and applying good advice.​—Titus 2:3-5.

8. Katkum na 1 Timothi 2:​9, 10, kumno ka jingpyrkhat lem ïa kiwei kan ïarap ïa ki parabangeit kynthei ban shim ka rai ha kaba ïadei bad ka riam ka beit?

8 Esther showed modesty in another way. She was “beautifully formed and attractive in appearance”; yet, she did not draw undue attention to herself. (Esther 2:7, 15) How can a Christian woman benefit from Esther’s example? One way is highlighted at 1 Timothy 2:9, 10. (Read.) The apostle Paul instructed Christian women to dress with modesty and soundness of mind. The Greek words used here suggest that a Christian woman’s dress would be respectable and would show consideration for the feelings or opinions of others. How we admire our mature Christian sisters for dressing modestly!

9. Kaei ka jinghikai kaba ngi lah ban ïoh na ka nuksa jong ka Abigail?

9 Discernment is another quality that all mature Christian sisters demonstrate. What is discernment? It is good judgment​—the ability to tell right from wrong and then to choose the wise course. Consider the example of Abigail. Her husband made a bad decision that was going to have a serious impact on his entire household. Abigail took immediate action. Her good judgment saved lives. (1 Sam. 25:14-23, 32-35) Discernment also helps us to know when to speak and when to keep silent. And it helps us to maintain balance when showing personal interest in others.​—1 Thess. 4:11.


How have you benefited from learning to read and write well? (See paragraph 11)

10-11. Kumno phi lah ban pynmyntoi ïalade bad ïa kiwei da kaba lah bha ban pule bad ban thoh? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)

10 A Christian woman needs to develop practical skills. Some skills that a girl learns in childhood will continue to benefit her throughout her life. Consider a few examples.

11 Learn to read and write well. In some cultures, reading and writing are not considered to be important skills for women to learn. However, they are essential skills for every Christian. d (1 Tim. 4:13) So do not allow any obstacle to stop you from learning to read and write well. How will you be rewarded? Such skills may help you to find and keep a job. You will become a better student and teacher of God’s Word. Best of all, you will draw closer to Jehovah as you read his Word and meditate on it.​—Josh. 1:8; 1 Tim. 4:15.

12. Kumno ka jingthoh ha Proberb 31:26 ka lah ban ïarap ïa phi ban nang bha ban ïa kren?

12 Develop good communication skills. Christians need to communicate effectively. In this regard, the disciple James provides practical counsel for us, saying: “Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak.” (Jas. 1:19) When you listen carefully as others speak, you show empathy, or “fellow feeling,” for them. (1 Pet. 3:8) If you are not sure that you understand what a person is saying or how he feels, ask appropriate questions. Then take a moment to think before you speak. (Prov. 15:28, ftn.) Ask yourself: ‘Is what I am about to say true and upbuilding? Is it tactful and kind?’ Learn from mature sisters who are good communicators. (Read Proverbs 31:26.) Pay attention to the way they speak. The better you learn this skill, the better your relationships with others will be.

A woman who has learned to manage a home is a powerful force for good in her family and in the congregation (See paragraph 13)

13. Kumno phi lah ban nang ban pynïaid bha ïa ka ïing ka sem? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)

13 Learn to manage a home. In many places, women carry much of the load of running a household. Your mother or another capable sister may be able to help you learn the needed skills. A sister named Cindy says: “One of the most valuable gifts my mom gave me was teaching me the joy that comes from hard work. Learning such skills as cooking, cleaning, sewing, and shopping made my life easier and opened the way for me to do more in Jehovah’s service. Mom also taught me how to be hospitable, and this allowed me to meet wonderful brothers and sisters whose examples I could imitate.” (Prov. 31:15, 21, 22) A diligent, hospitable woman who has learned to manage a home is a powerful force for good in her family and in the congregation.​—Prov. 31:13, 17, 27; Acts 16:15.

14. Kaei ka jinghikai kaba phi ïoh na ka jingshem jong i Cyrstal, bad halor kaei phi dei ban pynleit jingmut?

14 Learn to be self-sufficient. Being self-sufficient is an important goal for all mature Christians. (Phil. 4:11) A sister named Crystal says: “My parents were involved in choosing which courses I would take in high school so that I would learn practical skills. My father urged me to take accounting classes, which proved to be invaluable.” In addition to learning skills needed to obtain secular work, try to learn how to make a budget and stick to it. (Prov. 31:16, 18) Keep your focus on spiritual goals by avoiding unnecessary debt and by being content with a simple lifestyle.​—1 Tim. 6:8.


15-16. Kumno ki parabangeit kynthei ba shong samla ki myntoi ïa kiwei? (Markos 10:​29, 30)

15 When you develop spiritual qualities and valuable skills, you will be better equipped for future roles. Consider a few examples of what you could do.

16 You could remain single for a time. In harmony with Jesus’ words, some women choose not to marry, even if singleness is discouraged in their culture. (Matt. 19:10-12) Others may remain single because of circumstances. Be assured that Jehovah and Jesus do not look down on single Christians. Around the world, single sisters are a positive influence on the congregation. Their love for and sincere interest in others motivate these Christian women to become spiritual sisters and spiritual mothers to many.​—Read Mark 10:29, 30; 1 Tim. 5:2.

17. Kumno ki samla kynthei ki lah ban pynkhreh mynta ban shim bynta pura ha ka seng?

17 You could become a full-time servant. Christian women have a tremendous impact on the worldwide preaching work. (Ps. 68:11) Can you plan now to enter the full-time ministry? You might serve as a pioneer, a construction volunteer, or a Bethelite. Pray about your goal. Talk to others who have reached such a goal, and find out what you need to do to qualify. Then make a realistic plan. Reaching your goal will open up many exciting opportunities for you in Jehovah’s service.

If you are considering marriage, you should choose your mate very carefully (See paragraph 18)

18. Balei ki parabangeit kynthei ki dei ban jied bha ïa la u lok? (Peit ruh ïa ka dur.)

18 You may choose to get married. The qualities and skills that we have discussed will help you to become a capable wife. Of course, if you are considering marriage, you should choose your mate very carefully. It is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Remember, you will come under the headship of the man you marry. (Rom. 7:2; Eph. 5:23, 33) So ask yourself: ‘Is he a mature Christian? Is he putting spiritual interests first in his life? Does he make wise decisions? Can he admit his mistakes? Does he respect women? Does he have the skills needed to support me spiritually, materially, and emotionally? Does he handle responsibility well? For example, what congregation assignments does he have and how does he handle them?’ (Luke 16:10; 1 Tim. 5:8) Of course, if you want to find a good prospective husband, you will need to be a good prospective wife.

19. Balei ka kam jong ka lok kum ka ‘nongïarap’ ka long kaba don burom?

19 The Bible says that a good wife is “a helper” for her husband and “a complement” of him. (Gen. 2:18) Is this a demeaning description? No! A wife’s role as a helper is a dignified one. In fact, the Bible often describes Jehovah as a “helper.” (Ps. 54:4; Heb. 13:6) A wife is a true helper to her husband when she supports him and helps him to implement decisions that affect the family. And because she loves Jehovah, she works to enhance her husband’s reputation. (Prov. 31:11, 12; 1 Tim. 3:11) You can prepare for this possible future role by deepening your love for Jehovah and by being a helper to others at home and in the congregation.

20. Kumno ka kmei ka lah ban ïarap ïa la ka ïing ka sem?

20 You could become a mother. After you marry, you and your husband might have children. (Ps. 127:3) Thus, it is wise to think ahead. The qualities and skills that we have discussed in this article will help you if you become a wife and mother. Your love, kindness, and patience will contribute to a warm home environment where your children will feel secure and are likely to flourish.​—Prov. 24:3.

Many young women who were taught from the Scriptures and applied what they learned have become mature Christians (See paragraph 21)

21. Kumno phi sngew shaphang kiwei ki parabangeit kynthei jong ngi, bad balei? (Peit ïa ka dur.)

21 We love you, sisters, for all that you do for Jehovah and his people. (Heb. 6:10) You work hard to cultivate spiritual qualities, to develop skills that enrich your life and the lives of those around you, and to prepare well for possible future roles. You are a real asset to Jehovah’s organization!

JINGRWAI 137 Faithful Women, Christian Sisters

a You dear young sisters are valued in the congregation. You can reach Christian maturity by cultivating godly qualities, developing practical skills, and preparing to take on future roles. As a result, you will enjoy many blessings in Jehovah’s service.

b EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: Someone who has reached Christian maturity is guided by God’s spirit, not by worldly wisdom. He or she imitates Jesus’ example, works hard to maintain a close relationship with Jehovah, and shows self-sacrificing love for others.

d For a discussion of the importance of reading, see on the article “Why Reading Is Important for Children​—Part 1: Read or Watch?