Thiĩ harĩ ũhoro

Ũhoro Wĩgiĩ Wabici na Gũceera

Nĩ tũrakũnyita ũgeni na ngoro yothe ũtũceerere wabici-inĩ citũ na kũrĩa tũcabagĩra mabuku. Rora wone kũrĩa wabici citũ irĩ na mathaa ma gũceera.

Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

South Africa

1 Robert Broom Drive East





+27 11-761-1000


Njumatatũ nginya Njumaa

Thaa 1:45 nginya thaa 5 rũcinĩ na thaa 7 nginya thaa 10 hwaĩ-inĩ

Ihinda mathaa merĩ


Ĩcabaga mabuku megiĩ Bibilia, ngathĩti, broshua na trakti thĩinĩ wa thiomi makĩria ma 130 na ĩkamatũma kũrĩ makĩria ma ciũngano 15,000 mabũrũri-inĩ 20. Ĩtaũraga mabuku megiĩ Bibilia thĩinĩ wa thiomi 23. Nĩ ĩteithagĩrĩria wĩra wa mĩako ya Nyũmba cia Ũthamaki mabũrũri-inĩ 42.

Ruta broshua ĩgiĩ wabici ĩno.