This issue will explain how to study the Bible so that we can use God’s wisdom in our ministry and in our personal life.

Meerutĩire Meyendeire Bũrũri-inĩ wa—Mexico

Menya nĩ andũ ethĩ aigana matooretie moritũ nĩguo maandandũre ũtungata wao.

Receive Full Benefit From Reading the Bible

The Bible will benefit us only if we study it and apply its teachings. Learn how to make your Bible reading more effective.

Five Decades of Full-Time Service Near the Arctic Circle

Read the life story of Aili and Annikki Mattila, who learned to trust in Jehovah while serving as special pioneers in northern Finland.


Five Decades of Full-Time Service Near the Arctic Circle

Read the life story of Aili and Annikki Mattila, who learned to trust in Jehovah while serving as special pioneers in northern Finland.

“Make Sure of the More Important Things”

We have the honor to be part of God’s universal organization. How can we show support for the work it is doing today?

“Do Not Tire Out”

What will help us to keep pace with Jehovah’s organization and maintain our zeal in God’s service?

Did You Know?

Jesus foretold that Jehovah’s temple would be completely destroyed. Was Jerusalem’s temple ever rebuilt after 70 C.E.?