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사진 자료 제공

사진 자료 제공

사진 자료 제공

35면, 키프리아누스: ICCD E 1588.

36면, 플라톤: Vatican Museum photograph.

38면, 히포의 아우구스티누스: ICCD E 52787.

39면, 칼뱅: Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum. 츠빙글리: Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum.

40면, 마르크스: New York Times, Berlin—33225115. 공산당 선언: By permission of the British Library. 「종의 기원」: By permission of the British Library. 다윈: Courtesy of the Trustees of The British Museum.

41면, 전등: U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service; Edison/National Historic Site. 전화기: Courtesy of AT&T Archives. 라이노타이프: Division of Graphic Arts, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. 축음기: U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service; Edison/National Historic Site.

46면, 스토스: Six Sermons, by George Storrs (1855).

48면, 바버: Based on a sketch from the Rochester Union & Advertiser.

96면, 비행기: Boeing Company Archives.

125면, 그루: Courtesy of The New-York Historical Society, NYC.

128면, 카네기 홀: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

142면, 배: Courtesy of the American Merchant Marine Museum.

193면, 이전 국제 연맹 본부: UN photo. UN 총회: UN photo/Milton Grant.

208-9면, 지도: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

216-17면, 브루클린교: New York in the Nineteenth Century, by John Grafton, Dover Publications, Inc.

288면, 소: The Bettmann Archive.

402-3면, 지도: The Pictorial History of the World, Volume 1, by James D. McCabe and Henry Davenport Northrop (1907).

611면, 사본: Courtesy of the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

651면, 브루클린 연방 법원과 우체국: The Brooklyn Historical Society.

659면, 강제 수용소 (가운데): Oświecim Museum. Insignia: Courtesy of Regimentals, London.

667면, 폭도: Courtesy Canada Wide.

669면, 구치소: Chicago Herald-American.

670면, 폭도 (맨 위): AP/Wide World Photos.

679면, 미국 대법원 청사: Photo by Josh Mathes, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

681면, 듀플레시와 빌뇌브 추기경: Photo by W. R. Edwards.

686면, 미국 대법원 판사들: Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.