Som nuh ke koano an

Som nuh ke koano an

Peter ac John elos ahkolah infuckihl se lucng nuhke Kuhfwen Ahluhkwelah in yac 33


Yac Kom Ahkolah Nuhke Memorial?

Yac Kom Ahkolah Nuhke Memorial?

Kuhfwen Ahluhkwelah sahflah lal Jesus uh arlacna yohk srihpac. Ke srihpen tiac paht el ac misac, pwacnacng el oraclah oakwuck in wi mwet sap lal uh mongo ke Kuhfwen Ahluhkwelah ac oraclah mwe ahkfuhlwact sasuc se inge, Mongo in Ekuh luhn Leum. Pwacnacng, el suhpwacllah Peter ac John in ahkolah sie infuhkihl. (Lk. 22:7-13; liye petsac ke kolo an.) Ma inge ahkacsmakihnye kuht lah kuht enenuh in ahkolah nuhke Mwe Acsmakihn ke March 27. Sahp, oasr tari oakwuck ma congregation uh oraclah nuh sin sie mukul lili suc ac fah oruh sramsram, bread ac wain, ac kuhtuh pac ma sahyac. Tuhsruhktuh, meac kais sie sesr kuh in oruh tuh kuht in ahkolah nuhke Mwe Acsmakihn se inge?

Ahkyohkye srui lom ke misac lal Jesus. Rit ac nuhnkuh yohk ke ma kuht ac riti in Bible ke lusacn pacl in Memorial uh. Oasr schedule se ke Examining the Scriptures Daily. Oasr schedule na wowo se ke Appendix B12 ke New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ma ahksasucyeyucklac. (Liye pac April 2020 Moul in Christian ac Orekma in Luti Lasr uh.) Sucu uh kuh in konwacack mwe lutlut ma elos kuh in orekmakihn nuhke lutlut luhn sucu lalos ke yohk srihpaciyen mwe molwelah ke elos liye Watch Tower Publications Index kuh Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Suli mwet sahyac in wi. Wi pacl nuhkewa ke orekma in kihtaclah mwe solsol. Nuhnkuh lah suc kom kuh in suli, oacna mwet suc kom sifwil fohlohk nuh yohroh, mwet suc kom lutlut Bible nuh se in pacl somlah ah, mwet suc kom etuh, ac mwet in sucu lom an. Mwet elder uh enenuh in suli mwet lili suc tilac wi fahkwack ac luti. Esam lah fin sie mwet el tiac muhta ke acn sum an, kom kuh in konwacack pacl ac acn ma Memorial ac fah orek we an, ke kom toanyac tab se inge ABOUT US ke home page ac toanyac “Mwe Acsmakihn ke Misac lal Jesus.”

Meac kuhtuh pac ma sahyac ma kuht kuh in oruh tuh kuht in ahkolah?