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Navigate JW.ORG Using a Mobile Device

Navigate JW.ORG Using a Mobile Device

All the web pages and features available on a full-size computer screen are also available on a smartphone or tablet. However, the menus and screens are arranged differently on smaller mobile-device screens to provide the best possible experience. The tips in this article will help you to find the items you need on jw.org.

  • Use the mobile navigation menus

  • Navigate the articles or chapters of a publication

  • Navigate the online Bible

  • Listen to the audio track of an article

Use the Mobile Navigation Menus

On a full-size screen the main sections display permanently across the top of the screen and the second-level menu displays vertically on the left of the screen.

However, on a small mobile-device screen, all navigation menus display vertically. Also, the menus are hidden when not in use to allow the web content to use as much of the screen as possible.

  • Click the Menu button to hide or show the navigation menus. Click the name of a section to go to the landing page of that section.

  • Click the Expand List button to see the second-level menu options within a section. Click the name of the menu option to go to the landing page for that option.

  • Click the Collapse List button to hide the second-level menu options within a section.

  • Click the JW.ORG button to return to the home page.

  • Click the Language Picker button to show the list of available languages.

  • Click the Search button to find content using the Site Search feature.

Navigate the Articles or Chapters of a Publication

On a full-size screen, the table of contents is always visible while you are reading a publication article or chapter. However, on a small mobile-device screen the table of contents is hidden.

  • Click the Show List button to show the table of contents. Click a title to display the contents of that article or chapter.

  • Click the Previous button to display the previous article or chapter.

  • Click the Next button to display the next article or chapter.

  • Click the Hide List button to hide the table of contents and continue reading the current article or chapter.

Navigate the Online Bible

Go to PUBLICATIONS > BIBLE and click the Read Online button. Or, click the Read the Bible Online link on the home page.

On the Bible Navigation Bar, select a Bible book and chapter from the drop-down lists and click the Go button.

As you scroll down through the chapter, the Bible Navigation Bar stays pinned to the Menu Bar to make it easy for you to navigate to another chapter.

  • Click the Unpin button to unpin the Bible Navigation Bar from the Menu Bar. This gives more space on the screen for the Bible text. To select a different chapter, you first need to scroll to the top or the bottom of the current page.

  • Click the Pin button to pin the Bible Navigation Bar to the Menu Bar.

  • Click the Show List button to see the Bible’s table of contents, including the introductory material and appendixes.

  • Click the Previous button to display the previous chapter.

  • Click the Next button to display the next chapter.

  • Click the Hide List button to hide the Bible’s table of contents.

Listen to the Audio Track of an Article

If an audio track is available for the article you are reading, the Audio Bar displays.

  • Click Play to start playing the audio track.

  • Click Pause to pause the audio. Press Play again to resume playing the audio track.

  • Drag the audio pointer forward or backward to move to a different point in the audio track.

If you start playing the audio track then scroll down the article, the Audio Bar stays pinned to the Menu Bar. This allows you to pause and resume the audio without losing your place in the article.