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Kɔ o sɔɔŋ lebolloŋ sakpo


Share a Link to an Article, Video, or Publication

Share a Link to an Article, Video, or Publication

Use the Share feature to send someone a link to any article, video, or publication on jw.org.

  • Click the Share icon at the bottom of any article or video to share a link to that Web page.

  • Click the Share icon that appears with a publication’s download options to share a link to the publication.

The Share window contains two options:

  • A text field containing a link to the page you are sharing. Copy the link in the text field and paste it into an email or text message.

  • A Share via email link. Click this link to create an email with the title of the article or publication in the Subject line and a link to the article or publication in the email message. (Note: You may be prompted to select which email program to use.)