Kuwa Nzambi nge kezinga ntangu nyonso

Muntu yina yidika bima nyonso ke na nsatu ya kunata beto na nzila ya mbote, kubumba beto, mpe kubongisa luzingu ya beto.


Na luzolo yina yandi ke na yawu samu na beto, Nzambi ke longa’a beto faso ya kunata luzingu ya mbote.

Wapi mutindu beto lenda kuwa Nzambi?

Beto me bonga na kuzaba yinki beto ke sala mpe nani lenda sadisa beto na kusala yawu .

Nzambi ya tsyeleka kele nani?

We can learn his name and discover some of his qualities.

Wapi mutindu vwandaka lunzingu na Paradiso?

The first part of the Bible describes it.

Ntangu Mvula ya Nene nokaka​—Nani kuwaka? Nani kuwaka ve?

What difference became clear in people’s attitudes?

Mvula ya Nene kele na kulonga beto inki?

It is not just ancient history.

Who Was Jesus?

Why is it important to know about him?

Samu na inki lufwa ya Yesu kele mfunu samu na nge?

It makes wonderful blessings possible.

Wapi ntangu ntoto kekuma Paradiso?

The Bible foretells events that would happen when the time is near.

Wapi bambote kekuzwa bayina kekuwaka Nzambi?

Things that you will not want to miss.

Yehova kekuwaka beto?

What kind of things could you talk to him about?

Wapi mutindu luzingu ya dikanda ya nge lenda vwanda ya kyese?

The Creator of the family gives the very best advice.

Wapi mutindu beto lenda sala kilengi na Nzambi?

There are certain things that he hates, and other things that he loves.

Wapi mutindu nge lenda lakisa kukangama na Yehova?

The desire to be loyal will affect the decisions you make.