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Whiteboard Animations

These short animated videos talk about important subjects but also help to make learning enjoyable!


Protect Yourself From False Information

Don’t believe everything you hear or read. Learn to check good-good to know the one them that true and the one them that false.

Video Games: You Benefiting or It Causing Problem for You?

When you playing video game, you can enjoy it, but it can also cause some problem for you. How you can benefit and avoid the problem them that can come from playing video game?

What You Need to Know About Sports

Sports can teach vital skills, such as cooperation and communication. But should sports be one of the most important things in life?

Think Before You Drink

Plenty people say that when you drunk, you can say or do thing them that can make you to feel bad later on. How you can protect yourself from the trouble that can come from drinking plenty liquor?

How I Can Talk to My Pa and Ma?

How you can talk with your pa and ma if you don’t feel like talking?

Who in Control​—You or Your Device?

You live in an online world, but device do not have to control you. How can you tell if you too use to your device? If there is a problem, how can you control it?

What Thing I Can Do to Get More Freedom?

You think that time now for your parents to trust you? But that how your parents feel about you? What thing you can do for them to trust you?

How I Can Stop Gossip?

When your lecturing and it turn to bad gossip, do something quick to stop it!

Don’t Let Your Friend Them Control You!

Four easy thing them you can do to help you get the strength to make your own decisions.

Be Social-Network Smart

Have fun and keep safe when you connect with your friends online.

How You Can Find True Friend?

It easy to find friend them that not good. But how can you find true friend?