The Thing Dem That Luke Write 3:1-38
3 In the year that make it 15 year from the time Ti·be′ri·us Caesar wor ruling, Pontius Pilate wor governor for Ju·de′a. Herod* wor ruler for Gal′i·lee, his brother Philip wor district ruler for It·u·rae′a and Trach·o·ni′tis, and Ly·sa′ni·as wor ruler for Ab·i·le′ne.
2 That time An′nas wor one of the chief priests and Ca′ia·phas wor high priest, and God give message to John, Zech·a·ri′ah son, the time he wor in the wilderness.
3 So he went to all the area around the Jordan River. He wor preaching so that people can get baptize to show that they na repent for God to forgive their sins.
4 That just what the prophet Isaiah write in the book, he say: “They hear loud voice in the wilderness saying: ‘Prepare the road for Jehovah!* Make his roads straight.
5 They must full up all the valley, and break all the mountains and hills down and make it flat. They must make all the bend-bend road dem straight, and make all the rough road dem smooth.
6 And everybody will see how God will save people.’”
7 So he started telling the people who wor coming for him to baptize them, he say: “You children of snakes that get poison, who tell yor to run away from the punishment that coming?
8 So do the thing dem that show that you na repent. Don’t tell yourself say, ‘Abraham that our pa.’ To tell yor the truth, God able to use this rock dem to make children for Abraham.
9 Yes, the ax ready to cut the trees down from the root. So any tree that not bear good fruit, they will cut it down and throw it in the fire.”
10 And the people dem wor asking him: “So wetin we must do?”
11 Then he tell them say: “Let the person who get two clothes give one to the person who not get any clothes, and let the person who get something to eat do the same thing.”
12 Even people who wor tax collectors came to him to get baptize. And they ask him: “Teacher, wetin we must do?”
13 He tell them say: “Yor must not tell the people dem to pay anything more than the tax they suppose to pay.”
14 Also, the soldier people wor asking him: “Wetin we must do?” And he tell them say: “Don’t take money from anybody by force or lie on anybody, but be satisfy with the thing dem you get.”
15 That time the people wor expecting the Christ, so they wor saying in their hearts: “I wonder John that the Christ?”
16 John tell all of them say: “For me, I baptizing yor with water, but the person who coming after me get power more than me. I not even fit to take off his sandals from on his foot. He will baptize yor with holy spirit and fire.
17 He get something in his hand that he will use to move the chaff* from the grain. And he will clean the place he can use to move the chaff from the grain good-good. He will put the wheat in his warehouse and burn the chaff with fire that can’t go off.”
18 He also say plenty other thing dem to encourage the people and he continue to preach the good news to them.
19 But John counsel Herod who wor ruling that area, because of his brother wife He·ro′di·as and because of all the bad-bad thing dem he na do.
20 Another bad thing Herod do that to put John in jail.
21 When John wor baptizing the people, he also baptize Jesus. When Jesus wor praying, the heaven open,
22 and the holy spirit appear just like dove and came down on him, and one voice from heaven say: “You my son, I really love you and I happy with you.”
23 Jesus wor about 30 years old when he started his preaching work, and people knew his pa to beJoseph,Joseph pa that He′li,
24 He′li pa that Mat′that,Mat′that pa that Le′vi,Le′vi pa that Mel′chi,Mel′chi pa that Jan′na·i,Jan′na·i pa that Joseph,
25 Joseph pa that Mat·ta·thi′as,Mat·ta·thi′as pa that A′mos,A′mos pa that Na′hum,Na′hum pa that Es′li,Es′li pa that Nag′ga·i,
26 Nag′ga·i pa that Ma′ath,Ma′ath pa that Mat·ta·thi′as,Mat·ta·thi′as pa that Sem′e·in,Sem′e·in pa that Jo′sech,Jo′sech pa that Jo′da,
27 Jo′da pa that Jo·an′an,Jo·an′an pa that Rhe′sa,Rhe′sa pa that Ze·rub′ba·bel,Ze·rub′ba·bel pa that She·al′ti·el,She·al′ti·el pa that Ne′ri,
28 Ne′ri pa that Mel′chi,Mel′chi pa that Ad′di,Ad′di pa that Co′sam,Co′sam pa that El·ma′dam,El·ma′dam pa that Er,
29 Er pa that Jesus,Jesus pa that E·li·e′zer,E·li·e′zer pa that Jo′rim,Jo′rim pa that Mat′that,Mat′that pa that Le′vi,
30 Le′vi pa that Sym′e·on,Sym′e·on pa that Judas,Judas pa that Joseph,Joseph pa that Jo′nam,Jo′nam pa that E·li′a·kim,
31 E·li′a·kim pa that Me′le·a,Me′le·a pa that Men′na,Men′na pa that Mat′ta·tha,Mat′ta·tha pa that Nathan,Nathan pa that David,
32 David pa that Jes′se,Jes′se pa that O′bed,O′bed pa that Bo′az,Bo′az pa that Sal′mon,Sal′mon pa that Nah′shon,
33 Nah′shon pa that Am·min′a·dab,Am·min′a·dab pa that Ar′ni,Ar′ni pa that Hez′ron,Hez′ron pa that Pe′rez,Pe′rez pa that Judah,
34 Judah pa that Jacob,Jacob pa that Isaac,Isaac pa that Abraham,Abraham pa that Te′rah,Te′rah pa that Na′hor,
35 Na′hor pa that Se′rug,Se′rug pa that Re′u,Re′u pa that Pe′leg,Pe′leg pa that E′ber,E′ber pa that She′lah,
36 She′lah pa that Ca·i′nan,Ca·i′nan pa that Ar·pach′shad,Ar·pach′shad pa that Shem,Shem pa that Noah,Noah pa that La′mech,
37 La′mech pa that Me·thu′se·lah,Me·thu′se·lah pa that E′noch,E′noch pa that Ja′red,Ja′red pa that Ma·ha′la·le·el,Ma·ha′la·le·el pa that Ca·i′nan,
38 Ca·i′nan pa that E′nosh,E′nosh pa that Seth,Seth pa that Adam,Adam pa that God.
^ That mean, Herod Antipas. Go to Meaning of Words in the Bible.
^ Go to, App. A5.
^ That mean, the dirt that can move from on the wheat.