The Thing Dem That Mark Write 1:1-45

  • John the Baptist preaching (1-8)

  • Jesus got baptize (9-11)

  • Satan tempt Jesus (12, 13)

  • Jesus start preaching in Galilee (14, 15)

  • Jesus call his first disciple dem (16-20)

  • Jesus move demon from in people (21-28)

  • Jesus heal plenty people in Capernaum (29-34)

  • Jesus praying to one place where nobody wor eh (35-39)

  • Jesus heal one man who wor having leprosy (40-45)

1  The good news about Jesus Christ the Son of God start like this:  Just what the prophet Isaiah write: “(I sending my messenger to go in front of you, and he will prepare your way for you.)  They hear loud voice in the wilderness saying: ‘Prepare the road for Jehovah!* Make his roads straight.’”  Just what the prophet Isaiah say, John the Baptist wor in the wilderness, he wor preaching so that people can get baptize to show that they na repent for God to forgive their sins.  And everybody from Ju·de′a and all the people from Jerusalem wor going to him. And he baptize them in the Jordan River, and they wor confessing their sins in front of everybody.  They made the clothes John wor wearing from camel hair, and he wor wearing belt. He use to eat grasshopper and honey.  And he wor preaching and saying: “Somebody coming after me, and he get power more than me. I not even fit to bend down to loosen the rope that on his sandal.  I baptize yor with water, but he will baptize yor with holy spirit.”  During that time, Jesus came from Naz′a·reth in Gal′i·lee and John baptize him in the Jordan River. 10  And right away when he wor leaving from the water, he saw the heaven open and God spirit wor coming down on him just like dove. 11  And one voice from heaven say: “You my Son, I really love you, and I happy with you.” 12  And right away the spirit move him to go in the wilderness. 13  So he stay in the wilderness for 40 days. When he wor there, Satan tempt him. Also, wild animals wor in the wilderness, and the angel dem wor helping him. 14  After they arrest John, Jesus went to Gal′i·lee and he wor preaching the good news that come from God. 15  And he wor saying: “The time that God set na come, and God Kingdom near, so repent and put faith in the good news.” 16  When he wor walking near the sea of Gal′i·lee, he saw Simon and Simon brother Andrew throwing their nets in the sea because they wor fishermen. 17  So Jesus tell them say: “Yor follow me, and I will show yor how to look for people just how yor can fishing.” 18  And right away they left their nets and follow him. 19  When he went in front small, he saw James and his brother John. Their pa name wor Zeb′e·dee. They wor in their boat fixing their nets, 20  and right away he call them. So they left their pa Zeb′e·dee and the men dem who wor working for him in the boat and they follow Jesus. 21  And they went to Ca·per′na·um. As soon the Sabbath start, he went in the synagogue and started to teach. 22  And they wor really surprise because of the way he wor teaching. Because what he wor teaching come from God and he wor not teaching like the scribes. 23  At the same time, one man wor in the synagogue who wicked spirit wor controlling. He shout and say: 24  “What you want from us, Jesus the Naz·a·rene′? You come destroy us? I know you good-good, you God Holy Servant!” 25  But Jesus order it and say: “Close your mouth, and move from inside him!” 26  After the wicked spirit made the man to be jerking, it shout with loud voice and move from in the man. 27  And the people wor really surprise and they started talking about it among theirself. They say: “That wetin here so? This one that new teaching! He can order the wicked spirit dem, and they can obey him.” 28  So the news about him spread all over quick-quick around the whole of Gal′i·lee. 29  Then they left the synagogue and went to Simon and Andrew house with James and John. 30  And Simon mother-in-law wor sick with fever, and she wor laying down. And right away they tell him about her. 31  Jesus went to her, hold her hand and help her to get up. She got well, and she started fixing food for them. 32  In the evening, when the sun went down, the people started bringing everybody who wor sick and having demons to him. 33  And all the people in the city came together right to the door. 34  So he heal plenty people who wor having different-different sickness, and he move plenty demons from in the people. But he not allow the demon dem to talk, because they knew that he wor the Christ.* 35  Soon in the morning, when it wor still dark, he wake up and went outside, and he went somewhere to be by himself, and he started praying. 36  But Simon and the other disciples started looking for him all over 37  and when they find him, they tell him say: “Everybody looking for you.” 38  But he tell them say: “Yor let go different place, in the town dem that not far from here, so I can preach there too, because that the reason why I here.” 39  So he went, and started preaching in the synagogues all over Gal′i·lee and moving demons from in people. 40  Also one man who wor having leprosy came to Jesus, he kneel down and start begging him. He say: “If you just want heal me, you can do it.” 41  So Jesus started feeling sorry for him, and he stretch his hand and touch him, and he say: “I want do it! Be clean.” 42  Right away the leprosy move from on him, and he wor clean. 43  Then Jesus tell him to go. He give him strong warning, 44  and tell him say: “Make sure to not tell anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and give the thing dem that Moses talk about so they can know that you well.” 45  But when the man left from there, he started telling people about what happen, and he spread the story all over. Because of that, Jesus wor not able to enter any city for people to see him. But he stay somewhere to be by himself. But still people continue coming to him from all over.


Go to, App. A5
It can also mean, “Because they knew him good-good.”