The Thing Dem That Mark Write 10:1-52

  • Marriage and divorce (1-12)

  • Jesus bless the children (13-16)

  • The question that one rich man ask (17-25)

  • The sacrifice dem people can make for the Kingdom (26-31)

  • Jesus talk about his death again (32-34)

  • James and John ask for position (35-45)

    • Jesus that ransom for plenty people (45)

  • Jesus heal one blind man name Bartimaeus (46-52)

10  He left from there and came to Ju·de′a borders across the Jordan River, and plenty people came to him again. And he started teaching them again, just how he use to do all the time.  Then the Pharisees came to him to test him, and they ask him whether it good for somebody to divorce his wife.  He ask them: “Wetin Moses tell yor?”  They say: “Moses allow the man to give divorce certificate to his wife and divorce her.”  But Jesus tell them say: “Moses write this commandment for yor because yor hardhead.  But in the beginning, when God made human being, ‘He made them man and woman.  That the reason why the man will leave his ma and his pa,  and two of them will be one flesh,’ so they will not be two again, but one flesh.  So, nobody must divide what God na put together.” 10  When they wor in the house, the disciple dem started asking him about it. 11  He tell them say: “Anybody who divorce his wife and marry different woman, he committing adultery against his wife. 12  And if any woman divorce* her husband and marry different man, she committing adultery.” 13  And people started bringing children to him for him to bless them, but the disciples started driving them. 14  When Jesus saw this one he wor not happy with them, and he say: “Let the small children dem come to me, don’t try to stop them because God Kingdom for people dem like this. 15  To talk the truth, anybody who not accept God Kingdom like small child will never enter it.” 16  And he wor hugging the children, and started blessing them by putting his hands on them. 17  When he wor going, one man run to him and kneel down in front of him and ask him: “Good Teacher, wetin I must do to get everlasting life?” 18  Jesus tell him say: “Why you call me good? Nobody good beside one person, God. 19  You know what the commandments say: ‘You must not kill, you must not commit adultery, you must not steal, you must not bear false witness, you must not cheat other people and take their things, respect your ma and your pa.’” 20  The man tell him say: “Teacher, I been doing all this thing dem from the time I wor small.” 21  Jesus look at him and because he love him, he say, “That just one thing you not do yet: Go, and sell the thing dem you get and give the money to the poor people. Then you will get good-good thing dem in heaven, and come be my disciple.” 22  When he hear what Jesus say, his whole heart spoil, and he left from there feeling bad because he wor having plenty properties. 23  After looking around, Jesus tell his disciple dem: “It will really be hard for people who get plenty money to enter God Kingdom!” 24  But the disciple dem wor surprise because of what he say. Then Jesus tell them say: “My children, it really hard to enter God Kingdom! 25  It more easy for camel to pass through the hole that on the needle than for rich person to enter the Kingdom that in heaven.” 26  Still they wor really surprise and they tell him* say: “It possible for anybody to be save?” 27  Jesus look in their face and say: “To human being, it not possible, but it not like that with God, because to God everything possible.” 28  Then Peter started telling him say: “See! We na leave everything behind to follow you.” 29  Jesus say: “To tell yor the truth, anybody who na leave their house or brothers or sisters or ma or pa or children or land for my business and because of the good news 30  will get 100 times more now-now. He will get houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land. And people will suffer him, but in the new world* that coming he will get everlasting life. 31  But plenty people who first will be last, and the last will be first.” 32  When they wor on the road going to Jerusalem, Jesus wor walking in front of them and they wor surprise, but the people who wor following him wor scare. He carry the 12 apostles on the side again, and started telling them about the thing dem that will happen to him: 33  “Yor listen! We going to Jerusalem, and that the place they will give the Son of man to the chief priests and the scribes. They will judge him and say they must kill him, and they will give him to the people who not serving God. 34  And they will make fun out of him and spit on him and flog him and kill him, and on the third day* God will bring him back to life.” 35  Zeb′e·dee sons, James and John, came to him and say: “Teacher, we want you to do anything we ask you to do for us.” 36  He ask them: “Wetin yor want me to do for yor?” 37  They tell him say: “Allow us to sit down with you in your kingdom, one person on your right hand side, and the other person on your left hand side.” 38  But Jesus tell them say: “Yor not know what yor asking for. Yor able to drink from the cup I drinking from? Or yor able to be baptize the same way they baptizing me?” 39  They tell him say: “Yes, we able.” Then Jesus tell them say: “Yor will drink from the cup I drinking from, and yor will be baptize the same way they baptizing me. 40  But that not me can say who will sit down on my right or on my left, because it for the people who my Father na choose.” 41  When the other ten disciple dem hear about what happen, they got vex with James and John bad way. 42  But Jesus call his disciple dem to him and tell them say: “Yor know that people who they know to be ruler in the world like to act like boss men over the people and the one dem that get big position like to show that they get power over the people. 43  But that not how it must be among yor. Anybody who want be important among yor, must be the servant. 44  And anybody who want be the first among yor must be the slave for all of yor. 45  Because even the Son of man not come for people to serve him, but for him to serve other people and to give his life* as ransom* to free plenty people.” 46  Then they reach to Jer′i·cho. But when he, his disciples and plenty people dem wor leaving from Jer′i·cho, one blind man name Bar·ti·mae′us (Ti·mae′us son), who use to be begging, wor sitting down near the road. 47  When he hear that Jesus the Naz·a·rene′ wor passing, he started shouting and say: “Jesus, David Son, feel sorry for me!” 48  But plenty people started talking to him and telling him to keep quiet, but that the more time he continue shouting: “David Son, feel sorry for me!” 49  So Jesus stop and say: “Tell him to come to me.” So they call the blind man, and tell him: “Don’t be scare! Get up; he calling you.” 50  The other clothes he wor wearing on top of his clothes, he throw it away and get up quick-quick and went to Jesus. 51  Then Jesus ask him: “Wetin you want me to do for you?” The blind man tell him say: “Rab·bo′ni,* make me to see again.” 52  So Jesus tell him say: “Go. Your faith na make you well.” And right away he started to see again and he started following Jesus on the road.


It talking about divorcing somebody without the person commiting sexual immorality.
It can also mean, “say to each other.”
Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.
In Greek that, “after three days.”
Or “soul.”
Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.
It mean, “Teacher.”