The Thing Dem That Mark Write 11:1-33

  • The people dem wor happy when Jesus enter Jerusalem (1-11)

  • Jesus swear the fig tree (12-14)

  • Jesus clean the temple (15-18)

  • The lesson from the fig tree that die (19-26)

  • They challenge Jesus authority (27-33)

11  When they reach near Jerusalem, they stop in Beth′pha·ge and Beth′a·ny on the Mount of Olives, then he send two of his disciples.  Then he tell them say: “Yor go in the village that we looking at, as soon yor enter, yor will see one young donkey tie that nobody na sit down on before. Loosen it and bring it to me.  And if anybody ask yor, ‘Why yor loosening the donkey?’ yor must say, ‘The Lord say we must carry it and he will send it back right away.’”  So they went and saw the young donkey tie in front the door of one house that wor near the road, and they loosen it.  But some people that wor standing there ask them: “Why yor loosening the donkey?”  They tell the people what Jesus tell them to say, and the people let them go.  And they carry the young donkey to Jesus. They spread their clothes on it and he sit down on it.  Also, plenty people spread their clothes on the road, but other people wor cutting branch from the trees in the area.  And the people who wor in front of him and the people who wor behind him continue shouting: “God, we beg you, save him! Let the person who come in Jehovah name be bless! 10  Let our pa David Kingdom that coming be bless! We beg you, save him, you that in heaven!” 11  And he enter Jerusalem and went to the temple, and he look at everything, but since it wor already late, he went to Beth′a·ny with the 12 apostles. 12  The next day when they wor leaving from Beth′a·ny, he started feeling hungry. 13  He saw one fig tree from distance that wor having leaves, and he went to see whether fruit wor in the tree. But when he got near it, no fruit wor there only leaves, because that wor not the season for figs. 14  So he say to it: “Nobody will ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciple dem wor listening. 15  So they came to Jerusalem. When Jesus enter the temple, he throw all the people who wor selling and buying outside. And the people who wor changing money, and the people dem who wor selling doves, he turn their tables and bench dem upside down. 16  And he not allow anybody to pass through the temple with anything. 17  He wor teaching and telling them say: “It in the Scriptures, ‘They will call my house the house of prayer for people from all the nations’. But yor na make it to be the place where the rogue dem can hide.” 18  And the chief priests and the scribes hear about it. And they started looking for way to kill him, because they wor scare of him, and because all the people wor really surprise at the way he can teach. 19  When it wor in the evening, they left from the city. 20  But soon in the morning when they wor passing, they saw that the whole fig tree die, down to the roots. 21  Peter remember what happen and tell Jesus say: “Rabbi, look at the fig tree that you swear! It na die.” 22  Jesus tell them say: “Yor put faith in God. 23  To tell yor the truth, anybody that tell this mountain, ‘Move from here and fall down in the sea’, and the person get strong faith in his heart that what he say will happen, it will happen for him. 24  That the reason why I tell yor, all the thing dem yor na pray for, yor must get faith that yor already na get it, and yor will get it. 25  When you praying, forgive anybody who na do something to you, so that your Father who in heaven can also forgive your sins.” 26 * —— 27  They came to Jerusalem again. And when he wor walking in the temple area, the chief priests, the scribes and the elder dem came 28  and tell him say: “That who power you using to do this thing dem? Or who give you the power to do this thing dem?” 29  Jesus tell them say: “I will ask yor one question. When yor answer me, then I will also tell yor who give me the power to do this thing dem. 30  That God who in heaven send John to baptize people or that human being? Yor answer me.” 31  But they started talking among thierself: “If we say, ‘That God who in heaven send him,’ he will say, ‘Then why yor not believe him?’ 32  But we not fool to say, ‘From human being’.” They wor scare to say this one because all the people believe that John wor prophet. 33  So they tell Jesus say: “We not know.” Jesus also tell them say: “Myself too I will not tell yor who give me the power to do this thing dem.”


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