The Thing Dem That Mark Write 12:1-44

  • Example about the wicked farmers (1-12)

  • God and Caesar (13-17)

  • Question about the resurrection (18-27)

  • The two most important commandments (28-34)

  • The Christ that David son? (35-37a)

  • Jesus warn the people to be careful with the scribes (37b-40)

  • The poor widow two coins (41-44)

12  Then he started using examples to teach them: “One man made grape farm and put fence around it and he dig somewhere inside to mash grape to make wine. And he also build one tall building there. Then he give it to some farmer dem to take care of it* and he travel to another country.  When the time reach to harvest the grapes, he send one slave to the farmer dem to collect some of the fruits from the farm.  But they grab him, beat him, and send him back with empty hand.  He send another slave to them again, and they hurt him on his head with rock and disgrace him.  And he send another slave, and they kill him, then he send plenty other slaves, but they beat some of them and they kill some of them.  Then he send the last person that remain, that his son who he really love. He say, ‘They will respect my son.’  But the farmer dem started talking among thierself, ‘That he the property dem will go to. So yor come let kill him, and all the property dem will be for us.’  So they drag him and kill him and carry him outside the grape farm.  Wetin the farm owner will do? When he come, he will kill all the farmer dem and give the grape farm to different people. 10  Yor never read this scripture before: ‘The stone that the builder dem refuse to use, that it na turn to the main cornerstone. 11  This one coming from Jehovah,* and it wonderful in our eye’?” 12  They wanted to arrest him because they knew he wor talking to them when he give the example. But they wor scare of the people, so they left him and went by their business. 13  Then they send some Pharisees and Herod followers so they can find mistake in the thing dem he will say. 14  When they reach, they tell him say: “Teacher, we know that you can always talk the truth and you can’t just do things for people to like yor business. And that because you can’t pick and choose but you can teach the true-true thing dem about God. It right to pay tax to Caesar or not? 15  We must pay or we must not pay?” When Jesus saw that they wor pretending, he tell them say: “Why yor testing me? Yor bring me one de·nar′i·us* let me look at it.” 16  They give it to him, and he tell them say: “That who picture and name on it?” They tell him say: “That Caesar.” 17  Then Jesus tell them say: “Give Caesar things back to Caesar, but give God things to God.” And the thing he say really surprise them. 18  Then the Sadducees who not believe in the resurrection, came and ask him: 19  “Teacher, Moses write that if somebody brother die and he not born child, his brother must marry his wife and born children by her for his brother. 20  We know about seven brothers. The first one got marry, but he not born any children and he die. 21  And the second one marry her, but he not born any children and he die, and the same thing happen to the third one. 22  And all seven of them not born any children. In the end, the woman die. 23  During the resurrection, who wife she will be? Because all seven of them marry her.” 24  Jesus tell them say: “Ehn that the reason why yor making mistake, because yor not understand the Scriptures and how God get power? 25  Because when they come back to life, men or women will not marry, but they will be looking like the angel dem that in heaven. 26  But when it come to people who die coming back to life, yor never read the story that Moses write about the thornbush, where God tell him say: ‘I the God for Abraham, the God for Isaac and the God for Jacob’? 27  He God for people who living, and not for people who na die. Yor making big mistake.” 28  One of the scribes wor listening when they wor arguing. When he saw that Jesus answer them the right way, he ask him: “Which commandment important pass all the other commandment dem?” 29  Jesus tell him say: “The commandment that important pass all the other commandments that, ‘People of Israel yor listen, our God Jehovah* that one Jehovah,* 30  and you must love Jehovah* your God with your whole heart, your whole life,* your whole mind and your whole strength.’ 31  The second one that just like it that, ‘You must love your neighbor the same way you love yourself.’ No other commandment important pass this two commandment dem.” 32  The scribe tell him say: “Teacher, the answer you give, it correct. That true, ‘He one, no other God beside him’, 33  and to love him with our whole heart, and with our whole mind, and with our whole strength and to love our neighbor the same way we love ourselves really important pass all the different-different type of sacrifice dem.”* 34  When Jesus saw that the answer the man give wor correct, he tell him say: “You not far off from God Kingdom.” But nobody wor brave to ask him any question again. 35  But when Jesus wor still teaching in the temple he say: “How come the scribe dem say the Christ that David son? 36  The holy spirit move David to say, ‘Jehovah* say to my Lord: “Sit down on my right hand side until I put your enemies under your foot.”’ 37  David himself call him Lord, so how come he David son?” And the plenty people that wor there enjoy listening to him. 38  And when he wor teaching he tell them say: “Yor be careful with the scribes who like to walk around in fine clothes. And they like for people to speak to them special way in the markets. 39  And they like the best seats in the synagogues, and when they go to party they like to sit down to the place they keep for important people. 40  They can take the widow dem properties,* and they can make long prayers just to show theirself. Their punishment will be more than the other people.” 41  Then he sit down to the place where he wor able to see the money box. And he started looking at the way the people wor putting money in the box, and plenty rich people wor putting plenty coins. 42  Then one poor widow came and put two small coins that wor having small value.* 43  So he call his disciples and tell them say: “To tell yor the truth, this poor widow put more money pass all the other people who wor putting money in the box. 44  Because all of them put money in the box from the plenty money they wor having, but this poor widow put everything she wor having in the box, everything she wor having to live on.”


In Greek that, “lease it to farmers.”
Go to, App. A5.
Go to, App. B14.
Go to, App. A5.
Go to, App. A5.
Go to, App. A5.
Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.
Or “burnt sacrifice dem and animal sacrifice dem.”
Go to, App. A5.
In Greek that, “houses.”
In Greek that, “two lepta.” Two lepta that the pay somebody use to get when they work for about 10 minutes. Go to, App. 11.