The Thing Dem That Mark Write 16:1-8

  • God bring Jesus back to life (1-8)

16  When the Sabbath wor over, Mary Mag′da·lene, Mary, James ma, and Sa·lo′me buy perfume oil to rub on Jesus body.  They came to the grave soon in the morning, on the first day in the week when the sun came up.  They wor asking each other: “Who will move the rock from the grave for us?”  But when they look up, they saw that the rock wor not to the grave, even though it wor really big.  When they enter the grave, they saw one young man sitting down on the right side. He wor wearing white clothes, and they wor surprise.  He tell them say: “Yor must not be surprise. Yor looking for Jesus the Naz·a·rene′ who they kill on the stake. God na bring him back to life, he not here. See, that here they lay his body.  But yor go and tell his disciple dem and Peter say, ‘He already on his way to Gal′i·lee. Yor will see him there, just how he tell yor.’”  So when they came outside, they run away from the grave. They wor trembling and really surprise. And they not say anything to anybody, because they wor scare.*


The first-first copy for the Bible that people can trust say, the Good News that Mark Write end with the word dem that in verse 8. Go to, App. A3.