The Thing Dem That Mark Write 2:1-28

  • Jesus heal one man who wor not able to move his body (1-12)

  • Jesus call Levi (13-17)

  • Question about fasting (18-22)

  • Jesus that ‘Lord for the Sabbath’ (23-28)

2  But after some days he went to Ca·per′na·um again, and the news spread that he wor to the house.  And plenty people came to him in the house until no space wor there again, even near the door. And he started preaching the word of God to them.  Then four men dem bring one man who wor not able to move his body because he wor sick.  But they wor not able to reach the man to Jesus because of the plenty people. So they move the roof from over the place Jesus wor eh and they pass the stretcher the sick man wor laying down on through the place they open on the roof.  When Jesus saw their faith, he tell the sick man: “My son, I na forgive your sin.”  But some scribes wor sitting down there, and thinking in their hearts:  “Why this man talking like this? He talking against God. Beside God, who can forgive sins?”  But right away, Jesus knew that they wor thinking like that among theirself, so he tell them say: “Why yor thinking about this kindna thing dem in your hearts?  Which one more easy, to tell the sick man say, ‘I na forgive your sins,’ or to say, ‘Get up and pick up your stretcher and walk’? 10  But for yor to know that the Son of man get power to forgive sins on earth…” He tell the sick man say: 11  “Get up, pick up your stretcher, and go to your house.” 12  Then right away he get up and pick up his stretcher and walk in front of all of them. Everybody wor surprise, and they started praising God, and saying: “We never see anything like this before.” 13  Another time he went near the sea, and all the people continue coming to him, and he started teaching them. 14  And when he wor passing, he saw Le′vi, Al·phae′us son sitting in the office where they can pay tax, and he tell him say: “Come be my disciple.” Right away he get up and follow him. 15  Later on Jesus wor eating in Le′vi house, and plenty tax collectors and sinners started eating with him and his disciple dem, because plenty of them wor following him. 16  But when the scribes who wor Pharisees saw that he wor eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they started asking his disciples: “He can eat with tax collectors and sinners?” 17  When Jesus hear this one, he tell them say: “People who strong in the body not need doctor, but only people who sick. I come tell sinners to repent, and not people who doing the right thing.”* 18  John disciples and the Pharisees use to fast. So they came and they ask him: “Why John disciples and the Pharisees disciples can fast, but your disciples can’t fast?” 19  So Jesus tell them say: “When the man who just get marry still with his friend dem, they not get any reason to fast, ehn that true? So long the marry man with them, they can’t fast. 20  But time will come when they will take the marry man from them, then they will fast on that day. 21  Nobody can use piece of new cloth to patch old clothes. If he do it, the new cloth will tear from on the old one, and the hole will get big pass the way it wor looking before. 22  Also, nobody can put new wine in old wine bottles. If he do it, the wine will burst the bottles, the wine will waste and the bottles will not be good again. But people can put new wine in new wine bottles.” 23  On the Sabbath day when he wor passing through one farm where they plant wheat, his disciple dem started picking some of the wheat when they wor passing. 24  So the Pharisees tell him say: “Look here! Why they doing something that they not suppose to do on the Sabbath?” 25  But he tell them say: “Yor never read about what David do when he wor not having food, and he and his men dem wor hungry? 26  How, in the story about A·bi′a·thar the chief priest, David enter God house and eat the bread* that wor offer to God? That something that nobody suppose to eat beside the priest dem, and he also give some to the men dem who wor with him.” 27  Then he tell them say: “God made the Sabbath to benefit human being, he not make human being to benefit the Sabbath. 28  So the Son of man that Lord also for the Sabbath.”


This one talking about people who think they wor doing the right thing in God eye more than other people.
Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.