The Thing Dem That Mark Write 3:1-35

  • Jesus heal one man who hand wor cripple (1-6)

  • Plenty people near the sea (7-12)

  • The 12 apostles (13-19)

  • Talking against the holy spirit (20-30)

  • Jesus ma and his brother dem (31-35)

3  Another time he enter in the synagogue, and one man wor there who hand wor cripple.  So they wor really looking at him to see if he will heal the man on the Sabbath, so that they can find something to use against him.  He tell the man who hand wor cripple: “Get up and come in the center.”  Then he ask them: “It right to do good on the Sabbath or to do bad, to save somebody life* or to kill?” But they not say anything.  He wor really vex when he wor looking at them, and his heart spoil bad way because the people dem wor not having any sorrowful heart. So he tell the man say: “Stretch your hand.” And he stretch his hand, and it got well.  So right away the Pharisee dem went outside and started having meeting with Herod followers and they wor talking about how to kill him.  But Jesus and his disciple dem leave from there and went near the sea, and plenty people from Gal′i·lee and Ju·de′a follow him.  Even from Jerusalem and Id·u·me′a and across the Jordan River and from around Tyre and Si′don, plenty people came to him when they hear about the plenty thing dem he wor doing.  Then he tell the disciple dem to get one small boat for him so that the people can’t start pushing and get too close to him. 10  Because he heal plenty people, all those who wor having serious sickness wor rushing to him to touch him. 11  Even the people who wor having wicked spirit, any time they see him, they use to fall down before him and shout with loud voice and say: “You the Son of God.” 12  But plenty time he give them strong warning to not tell other people about him. 13  He climb one mountain and call the people that he wanted to come to him, and they went to him. 14  And he choose 12 men, who he also call apostles. They wor coming follow him and he wor coming send them to preach 15  and to get power to move demons. 16  And the 12 men that he choose that Simon, who he also give the name Peter, 17  James, Zeb′e·dee son and John who wor James brother (he also give them the name Bo·a·ner′ges, it mean “Sons of Thunder”), 18  Andrew, Philip, Bar·thol′o·mew, Matthew, Thomas, James Al·phae′us son, Thad·dae′us, Simon the Ca·na·nae′an,* 19  and Judas Is·car′i·ot, who betray him later on. Then Jesus and his disciple dem enter one house, 20  and plenty people came there again, so they wor not even having time to eat. 21  But when his relative dem hear about it, they went to catch him, because they wor saying: “He na get crazy.” 22  Then, the scribes who came down from Jerusalem wor saying: “He get Be·el′ze·bub,* and the ruler for the demons can help him to move demons from in people.” 23  So he tell them to come to him, and he give them some examples: “It possible for Satan to move Satan? 24  Any kingdom where the people fighting among theirself, that kingdom will not stand. 25  And any family that fighting among theirself, that family will not be able to stay together. 26  Also, if Satan fight against himself, and his people not together, he will not stand and it will be the end for him. 27  In fact, nobody can enter one strong man house and steal his properties if he not tie him first. When he tie him, that the only way he will be able to steal the thing dem that in his house. 28  To tell yor the truth, God will forgive people for everything they do, no matter what sin they commit and any bad thing they say. 29  But anybody who say bad things against the holy spirit, God will never forgive them. That person na commit everlasting sin.” 30  He say this one because they wor saying: “He get wicked spirit.” 31  His ma and his brother dem came, and they wor standing outside. Then they sent somebody to call him. 32  Since plenty people wor sitting down around him, they tell him say: “See! Your ma and your brother dem outside asking for you.” 33  Then he say: “Who my ma and who my brother dem?” 34  Then he look at the people that wor sitting around him and say: “See, that my ma and my brother dem here! 35  Anybody who do the thing dem God like, that person that my brother, my sister, and my ma.”


Or “soul.”
Or “the one who get zeal.”
Another title for Satan.