The Thing Dem That Mark Write 4:1-41


    • The farmer (1-9)

    • Why Jesus use examples (10-12)

    • Jesus explain the example about the farmer (13-20)

    • The lamp not under the basket (21-23)

    • The way you give other people (24, 25)

    • The farmer who can sleep (26-29)

    • The mustard seed (30-32)

    • Jesus use examples (33, 34)

  • Jesus made the heavy breeze to stop blowing (35-41)

4  He started teaching again near the sea, and plenty people came near him. So he got in one boat and sit down, and they push the boat in the water, but all the people wor near the sea.  And he started using examples to teach them plenty things, and when he wor teaching, he tell them say:  “Yor listen. One farmer went to plant seeds.  When he wor planting the seeds, some of it fall down near the road, and the birds came and eat it.  Some of them fall down on rocky ground where the soil wor not plenty, and they grow quick-quick because the soil wor not deep.  But when the sun started shinning, the place wor too hot for the plants, and they die because they wor not having root.  Some of the seeds fall down among the thorns, and the thorns cover it and stop it from growing, and they not bear any fruit.  But the other one dem fall down on the good soil. They started growing and getting big, and they started bearing fruit, and some of them bear 30, some of them bear 60, and some of them bear 100 times more than what they plant.”  Then he say: “Let the person who want listen, listen good-good.” 10  Then when he wor by himself, the people around him and the 12 apostles started asking him about the examples. 11  He tell them say: “God na allow yor to understand the holy secret about his Kingdom. But to the people outside, everything that just examples. 12  So that, even though they looking, they will look and still they will not see anything, and even though they hearing, they will hear and still they will not understand it. They will never come back to God so that he can forgive them.” 13  Then he tell them say: “Yor not understand the meaning for this example, so how yor will understand all the other example dem? 14  “The farmer plant God word. 15  Some people looking like the seeds that fall down near the road. As soon they hear God word, Satan come and move the word that they plant from in their hearts. 16  Other people looking like the seeds that fall down on rocky ground. As soon they hear the word, they wor happy to accept it. 17  But because God word not take root in their hearts, they believe it for some time; but when they start suffering or facing other problems because of God word, they stop believing it. 18  But still some of them fall down among the thorns. This one dem looking like people who hear God word. 19  But because they want get everything, and the plenty worries about problems in this world, and the power money get to fool people enter their hearts and kill the word. So they not bear any fruit. 20  Finally, the seeds that fall down on the good soil looking like people who listen to God word and accept it and bear fruit. Some of them bear 30, some of them bear 60, and some of them bear 100 times more than what they plant.” 21  He also tell them say: “Nobody can cover lamp with basket* or hide it under the bed, ehn that true? Ehn they can put the lamp on the table? 22  Because they can’t hide anything that will not come outside. And anything that they hide good-good, people will get to know about it. 23  Anybody who want listen, let him listen good-good.” 24  And still he tell them say: “Yor listen good-good to the thing dem yor hearing. The way you give to other people, that the same way they will give to you, in fact, they will even give you more. 25  Because anybody who get something, God will give him more, but the person who not get anything, even the thing he get, God will take it from him.” 26  So he continue to say: “That the same way God Kingdom looking like one man who go plant seeds on the ground. 27  Every day he can go to sleep in the night, and wake up in the morning, and the seeds grow and get big. But he not know how it happen. 28  The ground itself can make the seeds to bear fruit small-small, first it can grow, then it get full and in the end the fruit can get ripe. 29  And as soon the fruit get ripe, he can go pick it because the harvesttime na come.” 30  And he continue to say: “Wetin we can compare God Kingdom to, or what example we can use to explain it? 31  It just like one small seed.* The time they plant it in the ground it wor small pass all the other seeds on earth. 32  But when they plant it, it can grow and get big pass all the other plants and the branch dem can grow big so that the bird dem can find place to live inside.” 33  He use plenty example dem like this to teach them God word, base on what they wor able to understand. 34  Yes, he can’t teach people without using example, but he can explain the meaning for the example dem only to his disciples. 35  And on that day in the evening, he tell them say: “Let go on the other side of the sea.” 36  So after they tell the people to go, they went with him in the boat, even though he wor not prepare for the trip and other boat dem wor there. 37  Then heavy breeze started blowing, and the waves continue hitting the boat, and the water started getting inside it and small more the boat wor coming go under the water. 38  But Jesus wor sleeping on the pillow in the back of the boat. So they wake him up and say: “Teacher, you can’t see that we coming die?” 39  So he got up and he order the heavy breeze and tell the sea: “Stop! Be quiet!” And the breeze stop and the whole place got really quiet. 40  So he tell them say: “Why yor too scare? Yor still not get any faith?” 41  But they wor really scare, and they started asking each other say: “Who this man? Even the breeze and the sea can obey him.”


Or “basket they can use to measure thing dem.”
Or “one seed they call mustard,” they can find that seed in Israel. It can grow up to 15 feet and it get plenty branch dem.