The Thing Dem That Mark Write 6:1-56

  • They not listen to Jesus in his hometown (1-6)

  • The 12 apostles get direction on how to do the preaching work (7-13)

  • They kill John the Baptist (14-29)

  • Jesus feed 5,000 people (30-44)

  • Jesus walk on the water (45-52)

  • Jesus heal people in Gennesaret (53-56)

6  He left from there and went to his hometown, and his disciple dem follow him.  When the Sabbath day reach, he started teaching in the synagogue, and most of the people who hear him wor really surprise and they say: “Where this man learn all this thing dem from? And why they give him this wisdom and this kindna power to perform this miracle dem?  Ehn that the carpenter here? Ehn his ma that Mary and his brother dem that James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Ehn his sister dem here with us?” So they refuse to believe him.  But Jesus tell them say: “They can respect prophet everywhere, beside in his own hometown, in his own family, and among his relatives.”  So he wor not able to perform plenty miracles there, but he only put his hands on few people who wor sick and heal them.  He wor really surprise because they wor not having faith. Then he went around from village to village teaching people.  Then he call the 12 apostles and send them out two by two, and he give them power over the demon dem.  He also tell them to not carry anything for the trip beside one walking stick. He tell them to not carry bread, food bag, and money.  He tell them to only go with the sandals that wor on their foot and to not carry any other clothes. 10  Apart from this one, he tell them say: “Any house you enter, stay there until you ready to go. 11  And anywhere they not welcome you or listen to you, when you leaving from there, knock your foot so the dirt can move from under it to show that you na warn them,” 12  Then they went and preach so that people can repent, 13  and they move plenty demons from the people and they rub oil on plenty sick people and heal them. 14  And King Herod hear about it, because plenty people wor talking about Jesus, and they wor saying: “John the Baptist na come back to life, that it make it he able to perform all this miracle dem.” 15  Some people wor saying: “That E·li′jah.” Still other people wor saying: “That prophet like one of the prophet dem from way back.” 16  But when Herod hear about it, he say: “The John who head I cut off, that he na come back to life.” 17  Before that time, Herod himself send people to arrest John and tie him with chain and put him in jail, because he marry He·ro′di·as, his brother Philip wife. 18  Because John been telling Herod say: “It not right for you to marry your brother wife.” 19  So He·ro′di·as wor keeping grudge in her heart for John and she wanted to kill him, but she wor not able. 20  Herod wor scare of John because he knew John to be holy and righteous man, and he wor making sure that nothing happen to him. Every time he listen to John, he never knew what to do with him, but he wor still happy to listen to him. 21  But one day the opportunity came when Herod wor having his birthday party. In the evening, he call the big-big people in the government, the army commanders and the big-big people in Gal′i·lee. 22  And He·ro′di·as daughter came and dance and make Herod and the people dem who wor eating with him happy. So, the king tell the girl say: “Ask me for anything you want, and I will give it to you.” 23  He even swear to her and tell her say: “Anything you ask me for, I will give it to you, even if that half of my kingdom.” 24  So she went and ask her ma: “Wetin I must ask for?” Her ma say: “John the Baptist head.” 25  Right away she went to the king quick-quick and tell him say: “Now-now I want you give me John the Baptist head in the waiter.” 26  Even though the king wor really feeling bad, he never wanted to say no to her because he swear and because of the people he invite. 27  Right away the king send his bodyguard and order him to bring John head. So he went and cut off John head in jail 28  and bring it in the waiter. He give it to the girl, and the girl give it to her ma. 29  When his disciple dem hear about it, they came and carry his body and bury him. 30  The apostles came around Jesus and tell him all the thing dem they na do and teach. 31  And he tell them say: “Yor come let go somewhere to be by ourselves and rest small.” Because plenty people wor coming and going, and they wor not having time to rest or even to eat their food. 32  So they got in the boat and went somewhere to be by theirself. 33  But people saw them going and plenty people got to know about it. And they came from all the cities and run on foot and reach there before them. 34  When he got down from the boat, he saw plenty people and he started feeling sorry for them, because they wor just like sheep that not get any shepherd. And he started to teach them plenty things. 35  When it wor late in the afternoon, his disciple dem came to him and say: “Nobody living here, and it already late. 36  Tell them to go so they can go on the farms and the village dem that around here to buy food for theirself to eat.” 37  He tell them say: “Yor give them something to eat.” Then they ask him: “You want us go buy 200 de·nar′i·i* bread and give it to the people to eat?” 38  He ask them: “How many bread yor get? Yor go check!” After they finish checking, they say: “Five bread and two fish.” 39  Then he tell all the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. 40  So they sit down in groups, some 100 and some 50. 41  Then he take the five bread and the two fish, and he look up to heaven and pray. Then he break the bread and started giving it to the disciple dem so they can give it to the people, and he divide the two fish for everybody. 42  So all the people eat and they wor satisfy. 43  And the disciple dem collect the one that leftover, and it full up 12 baskets, apart from the fish. 44  That 5,000 men eat the bread. 45  Then he not waste time, he tell his disciple dem to get in the boat and go in front to the other side of the sea that near Beth·sa′i·da. Then he tell the people dem to go. 46  But after he tell the people bye-bye, he went to one mountain to pray. 47  When it wor in the evening, the boat wor in the middle of the sea, but he wor still by himself on the mountain. 48  So soon in the morning, when it wor still dark,* he saw them fighting hard to control the boat because the heavy breeze wor coming from the side they wor going. He started walking on the sea to come to them, but he act like he wor coming pass by them. 49  When they saw him walking on the sea, they say: “That something strange!” And they wor shouting. 50  Because all of them saw him and they wor scare. But right away he tell them say: “Don’t be scare! That me.” 51  Then he got in the boat, and the breeze stop blowing. And all of them mouth wor full, 52  because they still not learn the lesson from the miracle of the bread. It wor still hard for them to understand it. 53  When they cross and reach on land, they enter Gen·nes′a·ret and tie the boat there. 54  But as soon they got down from the boat, people got to know that it wor Jesus. 55  They run all over that area and started bringing people on stretcher who wor sick to the place they hear he wor eh. 56  And any village or cities or area he enter, they can bring the sick people in the markets. And they can beg him so that they can just touch the down part of his clothes. And all the people who touch it got well.


Go to, App. B14.
In Greek that, “fourth watch.” In Jesus time this wor around 3:00 am to 6:00 am.