The Thing Dem That Mark Write 7:1-37

  • Jesus expose the people traditions (1-13)

  • The thing dem that can make us to not be clean in God eye can come from in our heart (14-23)

  • One Syrophoenician woman show faith (24-30)

  • Jesus heal one man who can’t hear (31-37)

7  Then the Pharisee dem and some of the scribes who came from Jerusalem came around him.  Then they saw some of his disciple dem eating their food with their hands that wor not clean, that mean they not wash* their hands.  (Because the Pharisees and all the Jews can’t eat except they wash their hands all the way to their elbow. They wor sticking to their great grandfather dem tradition.  Anytime they come from the market, they can’t eat except they clean theirself with water. They get plenty other traditions that they can stick to, like to baptize cups, water jugs, and pots they make from copper.)  So the Pharisees and scribes ask him: “Why your disciple dem can’t follow the tradition of our great grandfather dem, but they can eat their food without washing their hands?”  He tell them say: “Yor the hypocrite dem, the thing Isaiah write about yor that true. He say, ‘This people can honor me by the thing dem they can say, but their hearts far from me.  They worshipping me for nothing, because they teaching human being ideas.’  Yor can’t obey God law, but yor stick to human being tradition.”  But still he tell them say: “Yor can look for clever way to not obey God law, so that yor can follow your tradition. 10  For example, Moses say, ‘Respect your ma and your pa,’ and, ‘Yor must kill anybody who cuss their ma or their pa.’ 11  But yor say, ‘If anybody tell his ma or his pa say: “The thing dem I suppose to use to help yor that corban (that mean, gift promise to God),”’ 12  yor can’t let him do anything for his ma and his pa again. 13  So yor na make God word to not get any value because of yor tradition that yor give to other people. And yor can do plenty thing dem like this.” 14  So he call the people to him again, and he tell them say: “Yor listen to me, all of yor, so yor can understand the meaning. 15  That not the things people eat can make them dirty in God eye; but that the thing dem they say can make them to be dirty in God eye.” 16 * —— 17  Then Jesus left the people outside and enter one house, and his disciple dem ask him about the example. 18  So he tell them say: “Yor not understand this thing here just like the other people? Yor not know that, that not what somebody eat can make them dirty? 19  Because the thing he eat can’t go in his heart, but it can go in his stomach, and it can end up in the toilet.” So by saying this one, he make it clear that all food clean. 20  Then he say: “The wicked things that can come from in the man that it can make him dirty in God eye. 21  Because that from in the heart people can think about bad things, sexual immorality,* stealing, killing, 22  adultery, greediness, wickedness, lying, doing bad things without shame, envy, talking against God, pride, and not reasonable. 23  All this wicked thing dem can come from in the man heart and that it can make him dirty in God eye.” 24  He left from there and went in the area they call Tyre and Si′don. He enter one house and he never wanted anybody to know that he wor there, but people still get to know about it. 25  Right away, one woman who small daughter wor having demon hear about him and came to him and kneel down in front of him. 26  She wor Greek woman from Phoe·ni′cia that wor in Syria. And she continue begging him to move the demon from in her daughter. 27  But he tell her say: “Let the children be satisfy first, because it not good to take the children dem food and give it to the baby dog dem.” 28  But she tell him say: “Lord, that true, but even the baby dog dem that under the table can eat the food that can fall down from the small children.” 29  Then he tell her say: “Because you say this one, go, the demon na move from in your daughter.” 30  So she went to her house and she saw her daughter laying down on the bed, and the demon wor not in her. 31  When Jesus came back from the area they call Tyre, he pass through Si′don and through the area they call De·cap′o·lis,* to reach to the sea of Gal′i·lee. 32  Then they bring one man to him who can’t hear, and he wor not able to talk good, and they wor begging him to heal the man. 33  He carry the man far off from the people, and nobody wor there. Then he put his fingers in the man ears, and after he spit on the ground, he touch the man tongue. 34  Then he look up to heaven, take deep breath and tell the man: “Eph′pha·tha,” that mean, “Open.” 35  And right away he started hearing, and he wor able to talk good-good. 36  So he warn them to not tell anybody, but the more he tell them, that the more they can talk about it. 37  They wor really surprise, and they say: “He can do everything well. He can even make the deaf people to hear and people who can’t talk, to talk.”


It not talking about washing hand because it dirty, but it wor their tradition.
Go to, App. A3.
The Greek word that por·neiʹa. Go to, Meaning of Words in the Bible.
Or “the ten cities.”